Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thickbrownish Mucus Discharge Before Period

now say they may take action against

Noterodeapie Our friend, reports today in his blog ( ) Gabriel Mariotto, head of the Federal Authority of SCA legal shareholding Artear SA against the company should prove the irregularities reported by workers sacked from Channel 13 after mobilized to demand the payment of compensation due. A sampling the note.

Clarín Group Workers demanded their severance and license to remove

Artear Channel 13 dismissed employees were mobilized to claim debts owed and asked for compensation removes the license of the station group Artear S. A, owned by Grupo Clarin. It is for "irregularities in the acquisition of the station," they said in a statement. According to José Carbonelli, former delegate of the dismissed workers of the signal, were greeted by the owner of the Federal Authority for Audiovisual Communication Services, Gabriel Mariotto, who "with our reports told us that trigger if confirmed irregularities" reported. Carbonelli also stressed "the important reception we had when we discussed these irregularities to the Members that make up the Communications Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, chaired by Rep. Silvia Vázquez." Nestor
What do you expect to attack by one of the weakest sides to the Group? We talked about the status of their workers: laburo black, excess, abuse, waste contracts, and the prohibition of exercising freedom of association.


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