The fight for 82% mobile is not new. Fiber in the pages of Workers and played the theme by establishing a basic clear that percentage is based on the salary of a worker made active.
The caravan of legal claims and the recent protests by retired teachers, has reopened the discussion on this claim postponed.
On the one hand Kirchner justify "the country is not prepared to pay 82% mobile" or "is insane, irresponsible, a madness " and he would veto the law if approved by Congress. However, the peak close when banking or financial trusts hold government bonds or save monopolies and multinationals with Anses silver.
But ... what do you think the leaders of the CGT and the CTA on this?
Hugo Moyano, to get the K of 'trouble', is considering a vote to 82% on condition that it be paid in installments: the first 60%, then 65 and so on as we are used in each joint.
Meanwhile Hugo Yasky (CTA), has signed an agreement in Ctera increasing teacher retirements 0.98%. A scam!
The verse of "Hugos" gives us a pattern of what is already being negotiated in Congress to undermine the projects submitted, and - in turn - and are misleading because not provide 82% mobile on the last salary received, but on the subsistence and mobile Wage Council ($ 1500), governmental level and business-union where you sit down and negotiate the CGT and the CTA with the UIA behind workers.
Both the CGT and the CTA threaten increased Anses coffers from the sums black themselves agree on each joint with companies - about 16 billion pesos per year - reducing the "employer contributions."
The same applies to labor flexibility, where both plants silent about 48% of the workforce underemployed. This figure increases if we add fixed-term contract and trainees, among others. But simply using the numbers Indec, if incorporated input from black workers (36% according to Moreno), an average salary of $ 2000, would join some 34 billion more. If this figure we add those 16 billion, you get a total of 50 billion pesos, enough to provide 82% mobile on the last salary paid.
Clearly we can not leave it to them our demands and struggles. Not only boycott the payment of a decent retirement but they do present a future with us. need motorized and mobilize the fight by 82% mobile in every workplace!
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