Telecentre, owned by Alberto Pierri, not to expand the service network ( triple play). The K little help in the city council of Vicente López paved the way for the company that enter without put a penny in the structural setup of the network is enabled go lighting in exchange for the consideration of municipal service.
The wink, that covers an area monopolized by the Clarin group, changing ends working conditions detriment of workers themselves. A the lack of security measures (tools, clothing, etc.) That has always lived ( have spent many security chiefs as subscribers), add the risk of falling over the edge by supporting the ladder on a network unfit.
addition, because despite the expansion, keep the same squad of workers; increasing pressure on the pace of work (GPS on every truck, squeeze constant to restore service, transfers mode "6 months" via letter paper, etc..), hampering the normal development of tasks and impacting in the health same peer.
view this table is valid Why ask why, while Pierri increases its rate of profit to us us worse working conditions or we lower the basic as happened in the last agreement signed by the delegate body 5 months ago? In what was the "Career Plan" driven by its own internal guidelines reached a wage higher than achieved in the joint national?
need assemblies on all bases to accommodate these problems, how to develop a battle plan to give concrete solutions to the needs presented.
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