Saturday, July 31, 2010

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overall atmosphere of the joint was hit by the strike of Food Cordoba and 35% started to employers as a result of that great struggle.

The government, which had announced its opposition to any increase that exceeds the ceiling set by the peer teachers, tried to conceal his kickback arguing that "the accumulation of profitability in the food given to support this increase."

But this extraordinary gain is not unique to Arcor and Kraft. The expansion of the cable companies and network development services (cable, internet and telephony) cast nationwide in 2009 a turnover of 1,200 million dollars. This finding highlights the crap that means 26% non-remunerative and quotas agreed between the union and the camera cable.

The increase is "not remunerative to receive in two installments (15% in July and 11% in October) plus a bonus of 800 pesos in August" . With this increase, which represents 24% annualized, the basic salary for Category 5 - average activity - will reach only in December 3200 pesos.

Although some companies, if Supercanal, the union signed a week after a "firm agreement" that erases above the elbow, extending the unpaid increase in July 2012.

Unlike last year where he promoted a plan to battle with nationwide strikes progressive mobilization of 4 000 peers at the camera business and a tax on activism debate in several companies this time the bureaucracy Sats chose to brake. Instead of relying on the example of food and other groups that came to fight for the direction of greater increases Sats "went to the deck," and he signed in secret, without any consultation with the bases and on top of a 6-month loan to our patrons, including the group Clarin.


With this delivered to the cable companies is imperative to reopen the channels of joint air and producers. The struggle for the basic 35% in a single payment, it must be the watchword of all workers in television. The problem of wages must be closely linked to working conditions and defend our rights.

have to stop the advance of flexibilizing regimes (temporary contracts on a quarterly basis, internship and outsourcing agreement outside the television) that result in dismissals, suspensions and voluntary retirements as has happened in American TV, TyC Sports, C5N, Channel 9 , Telefe and Channel 13.

And we have to incorporate into the discussion the big business of digital TV with the opening of new state signals. Under what rules and convention workers are performing tasks that ensure the output on these channels?

In summary we are on the 35% increase to the baseline at one time, breaking the trap of discussing the two separate agreements: the unification, maintenance and defense of CCT TV, go to the core of all sums "unpaid" pass a permanent facility under CCT TV of all recruits, for the immediate cancellation of the payroll tax (4 th category), for regular meetings in the workplace to discuss our problems by 82% mobile for our seniors.


The worst part of this negotiation is not outrageous absurdity of the numbers or the method of negotiations but that: the collective agreement provides that the first month of increase is for the union - always repudiate robbery . This time the union agreed to hold such deductions the employer within six months, meaning that, for example, the first increase of the thousands of fellow Multichannel remain for Grupo Clarin.

As if the fall in the "employer contributions" agreed last year was not enough, the "national popular " now use the money to pay workers guita zero rate to Noble, the Pierri, Manzano and company.

Is not this enough to bare a fact that "antitrust", embodied in the new media law that was feathering the union, is a complete fraud?

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Supercanal, SúperSatsaid

Within a week of closed national joint in Supercanal SA signed an agreement with the company that erases all previously agreed elbow. A delivered Guild for the benefit of Vila-Manzano where you look.

Amid the debate by 82% mobile retirements, re-extend sums "unpaid" of the agreement 2008 to 2011 and 2010 to the recent agreement ... JULY 2012!

But not all end there, because the confiscation of our salary deferral, the company went to provide a plus in easy installments (2 of $ 300 and 3 from $ 500 to over a year) . A mockery that we refuse! What will be the real value of the last share in the current inflationary environment?

As the company continues to expand and renovate its network, which is highlighted in Article 6 of the agreement in question, the SATSA allowed to take temporary staff by contractors for a period of 12 months for those tasks.

Now we see how the guild combat "... a clear case of fraud work. An absolutely illegal by which the company uses when hiring workers to pay a lower cost and higher income " (the trade union secretary of SATSA Gustavo Bellingeri in the magazine High Definition No. 5 "The priority for 2008 is to end the contract" ).

So, the best way to find the guild of "terminate" the contract after two years of much clucking is legalizing fraud in the Ministry of Labour the benefit of Vila-Manzano.

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UOCRA entered

The Construction Workers Union of Argentina (UOCRA) included in the collective agreement to many of the workers of the television. What is this?

is that the Ministry of Labour gave the endorsement to frame within your guild all "workers who work in access networks, distribution and transport, be it assembly, installation, construction, modification, repair, maintenance or dismantling, including underground pipes, laying of underground or overhead lines, underground lines joints or air, installation of subscribers, customers or users, installation of towers and masts, and all other work liable implementation for network access, distribution and transportation. " (

is, many of the workers in the branch of the cable television may be based in the guild instead of SATSA UOCRA with wages and working conditions down.

Silence guild on the point shows how far they are willing to benefit employers and give up the gains of the workers of the television.

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On retirement, the CGT and the CTA and squeeze

The fight for 82% mobile is not new. Fiber in the pages of Workers and played the theme by establishing a basic clear that percentage is based on the salary of a worker made active.

The caravan of legal claims and the recent protests by retired teachers, has reopened the discussion on this claim postponed.

On the one hand Kirchner justify "the country is not prepared to pay 82% mobile" or "is insane, irresponsible, a madness " and he would veto the law if approved by Congress. However, the peak close when banking or financial trusts hold government bonds or save monopolies and multinationals with Anses silver.

But ... what do you think the leaders of the CGT and the CTA on this?

Hugo Moyano, to get the K of 'trouble', is considering a vote to 82% on condition that it be paid in installments: the first 60%, then 65 and so on as we are used in each joint.

Meanwhile Hugo Yasky (CTA), has signed an agreement in Ctera increasing teacher retirements 0.98%. A scam!

The verse of "Hugos" gives us a pattern of what is already being negotiated in Congress to undermine the projects submitted, and - in turn - and are misleading because not provide 82% mobile on the last salary received, but on the subsistence and mobile Wage Council ($ 1500), governmental level and business-union where you sit down and negotiate the CGT and the CTA with the UIA behind workers.

Both the CGT and the CTA threaten increased Anses coffers from the sums black themselves agree on each joint with companies - about 16 billion pesos per year - reducing the "employer contributions."

The same applies to labor flexibility, where both plants silent about 48% of the workforce underemployed. This figure increases if we add fixed-term contract and trainees, among others. But simply using the numbers Indec, if incorporated input from black workers (36% according to Moreno), an average salary of $ 2000, would join some 34 billion more. If this figure we add those 16 billion, you get a total of 50 billion pesos, enough to provide 82% mobile on the last salary paid.

Clearly we can not leave it to them our demands and struggles. Not only boycott the payment of a decent retirement but they do present a future with us. need motorized and mobilize the fight by 82% mobile in every workplace!

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The channel C5N, property of Daniel Hadad, maintains an offensive in order to maximize flexibility in the situation of workers. Al employer now "national and popular" is not enough juicy and millionaire official advertising it receives from the government, made dozens of layoffs over the three years of existence of the channel and paying the Repro ($ 600 for Anses by worker) for Radio 10.

rotation working time, overload of overtime - then do not pay - for staff shortages and low wages are just some of the situations C5N workers must suffer. These actions are combined with tightening exercised from the direction of Human Resources at the slightest mistake made by a worker . Thus, also achieve personal rotate the plant, avoiding any attempt to answer workers already have some experience.

The address the SATSA has been complacent when not complicit, of this situation. few months ago, submitted an agreement "reduction of working hours" of only an hour and that from August be at the discretion of the employer's application by industry. This was the great "conquest" by the which "prevented" (sic) to raise the rest of outstanding claims. To make matters worse, the "negotiation" was completely hidden workers until the day of announcement.

The need for a general assembly to vote a list of demands full is the first step in changing this scenario.


Expansion unify our claims

expansion ESPN has lived between 2002 and 2009 by opening 5 new signals (Andean ESPN, ESPN HD, ESPN2 (Mexico), etc. And radio ESPN Deportes (former Kabul) bears no relation to poor working conditions that are experienced in it.

With an operating profit of U $ S 5,000 million in 2009, the Disney group is being fueled mainly by ESPN in Argentina bases its organization in the form of outsourcing (agencies with Mor, Dynamic , TV and discontinuous Promp 4 and 8 days) and an average salary of poverty located in the $ 1800 for Category 8.

The tendency to organize workers was reflected throughout the year with meetings with various claims (editors, plus per diem, etc.), Derived tripling the comrades who took part in the election body of delegates last month.

This symptom opens the possibility of strengthening the debate on the issues still pending, for example, has been put on hold the position of the editors that the income of the NewsCutter (Sony P2 technology) are jeopardize their tasks and jobs.

The struggle for the immediate reopening of joint to increase from 35% to basic - with current inflation can not wait for October - on the order fraudulent procurement and defense of all jobs are axes of a joint program to develop.

The only way to break the impasse in the body of delegates is unifying all claims that are pending; the fight broken up and divided by sectors weakens our position in relation to the company.

this perspective that aims to strengthen the organization's entire workforce is important to be debated in all bases - Tomkinson and Maipú - pending claims and how to achieve them.

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increasing work rates

Telecentre, owned by Alberto Pierri, not to expand the service network ( triple play). The K little help in the city council of Vicente López paved the way for the company that enter without put a penny in the structural setup of the network is enabled go lighting in exchange for the consideration of municipal service.

The wink, that covers an area monopolized by the Clarin group, changing ends working conditions detriment of workers themselves. A the lack of security measures (tools, clothing, etc.) That has always lived ( have spent many security chiefs as subscribers), add the risk of falling over the edge by supporting the ladder on a network unfit.

addition, because despite the expansion, keep the same squad of workers; increasing pressure on the pace of work (GPS on every truck, squeeze constant to restore service, transfers mode "6 months" via letter paper, etc..), hampering the normal development of tasks and impacting in the health same peer.

view this table is valid Why ask why, while Pierri increases its rate of profit to us us worse working conditions or we lower the basic as happened in the last agreement signed by the delegate body 5 months ago? In what was the "Career Plan" driven by its own internal guidelines reached a wage higher than achieved in the joint national?

need assemblies on all bases to accommodate these problems, how to develop a battle plan to give concrete solutions to the needs presented.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thickbrownish Mucus Discharge Before Period

now say they may take action against

Noterodeapie Our friend, reports today in his blog ( ) Gabriel Mariotto, head of the Federal Authority of SCA legal shareholding Artear SA against the company should prove the irregularities reported by workers sacked from Channel 13 after mobilized to demand the payment of compensation due. A sampling the note.

Clarín Group Workers demanded their severance and license to remove

Artear Channel 13 dismissed employees were mobilized to claim debts owed and asked for compensation removes the license of the station group Artear S. A, owned by Grupo Clarin. It is for "irregularities in the acquisition of the station," they said in a statement. According to José Carbonelli, former delegate of the dismissed workers of the signal, were greeted by the owner of the Federal Authority for Audiovisual Communication Services, Gabriel Mariotto, who "with our reports told us that trigger if confirmed irregularities" reported. Carbonelli also stressed "the important reception we had when we discussed these irregularities to the Members that make up the Communications Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, chaired by Rep. Silvia Vázquez." Nestor
What do you expect to attack by one of the weakest sides to the Group? We talked about the status of their workers: laburo black, excess, abuse, waste contracts, and the prohibition of exercising freedom of association.