Friday, May 13, 2011

Wording Farewell Party Invitation



Thursday May 12, 2011

Héctor Béjar

If Peru were to become a kk-land after the second round, should be to:

1. There is a lot of business (not all) having slave mentality. When it is believed that the competitive firm is that of workers without rights and starvation wages, that is slavery.

2. Peruvian upper class still loves to San Martin that has been created for their own use and continues to hate Bolivar. It is an expression of conservatism and racism. If we were in the sixteenth century English empire, they would be realistic.

3. Lima is the only South American city that prides itself on being "colonial." Remained until recently a statue of the conqueror to the cathedral. The Government Palace is called "Palace of Pizarro." From Palacio ordered the Indians put him shot when they protest. Remember who said: "Shoot first and think later?"

4. When Fujimori fled was replaced by an interim government that settled with the former regime. We preferred to govern much of the same military that organized torture, targeted killings and the systematic theft of public funds. The false argument "are a few but not the institution" when in fact won the armed forces had been seized by a criminal gang. Gen. Rodolfo Robles Espinoza was never claimed and lives in Central America, virtually exiled by the "democrats" who had ruled since 2001.


5. Cuando se nombró una Comisión de la Verdad para investigar los crímenes del fujimorismo se le añadió las palabras "y de la reconciliación". ¿Con quién? ¿Con los ladrones y asesinos? Los miembros de la Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación, gente honesta y respetable, no se atrevieron a develar la máquina de muerte, latrocinio y narcotráfico que fue organizada en el Perú desde la CIA y la Escuela de las Américas, cuya participación en los hechos fue mantenida en silencio.


6. When it was decided to build a Museum of Memory and countries that have suffered dictatorships (Germany remains the Nazi concentration camps and Hungary has a Museum of Terror with Rakocsi scheme documents) here did not want to call "museum" but " place "in memory and assigned a cliff where it had been thrown debris. The "place" has not yet been built and is doubtful he will ever be.

7. In the world of poverty, the need is for life. Preferred food or money to the securities. Conscience does not exist or is insignificant. In the world of wealth is the money the boss. Remember the phrase: "Love is important but more important is money?

8. A Fujimori was tried for a few crimes, but not the eldest, having sold the assets of the country. There are "Democrats" who seem to agree with that, are half Fujimori.

9. Many intellectuals and politicians remember the civil rights but forget the economic and social. That is to say: "While we we are ministers, congressmen or consultants with rich fee, what interests people? "

10. After everything that happened, the Crousillat, Ivcher and Delgado Parker, immoral debtors Sunat or holders of licenses precarious, continued to use the channels of broadcast television, with the consent of three successive governments (Paniagua, Toledo and Garcia). top candidates have been declared to not touch.

can continue adding circumstances, facts, reasons, symptoms. Cancers We can not eliminate because we lack enough antibodies. The kk-country with us and hopefully can become-not-a kk-government in July, including metastases. Then I say, so to speak, "the real country, the worth, the people honest and wise, from Miraflores to the hills, but not read or speak Quechua, may be encouraged to set limits or initiate emergency surgery is essential.


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