Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Breast Soreness Differences Pms Or Pregnancy?

"Mephibosheth Child ... was five years old when he arrived payments to his family the news of the death of his grandfather and father, so his nurse took him and fled, and while I fled hastily dropped her child and because of that accident the toddler was crippled. .. "
The real true story is not a lot more than is the story of all the neighbors, fellow citizens, that person from the same province as another permanently abandoned because we are not part of power.
The story of this child and his health is very interesting because more or less describes the hypocrisy of a political system then, that over generations systematically repeated.
Many residents asked me today: Federico because you write about something more current?, I have one answer: "The restoration and return of those affected by political corruption motivates me to write, to comment on this story.
few days ago, it closed a new legislative cycle. Not long ago we reviewed the Human Rights Day. Some months ago the day we recovered democracy. You
sorry but I saw the swearing in of many of the representatives who will defend our cause and I started thinking about the swearing, "God and Country." I ask the new and old gentlemen: ¿Quién es tu Dios? y ¿Cuál es tu patria?, ¿acaso el dinero es tu Dios? o ¿quizás otra potencia extranjera tu patria, a la cual venderás el futuro de mis niños, mis hijos?. Si no es así y ojala me equivoque demostrámelo en la practica, el país te pide que dejes de lado las idioteces intersticias de las luchas tribales y ponte a trabajar por tu Nación. No te corrompas.
Esto lo comento porque en diversos programas se habla mucho de la Corrupción, la Liberación, Traición…pero hemos pasado por alto algo trascendente y es lo que se quiere evitar, hemos faltado a nuestros más profundos compromisos como nación, al ser un país permisivo, despreocupado en As for that "states parties" are committed to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to meet exhaustively on the Rights of Children abandoned.
course not missing any of the many journalists, drivers, short-sighted to try to distract the entire population, with its verbose expressions on the right to life which was removed to a higher high for a child, distillation, it seems that the rights of children end up in this single case, perhaps dozens of others, but I'm talking about the hundreds of thousands who die because our servers do not get the news about events decades ago that Vox Populi are, malnutrition, lack of adequate housing, lack of work for more cadenced,
... I'm talking about children's rights of my nation, your nation, including the brothers of the native people, that rob the water for their agreed soybean farms, mining, God knows how many other ... "... were" more.
When a power crisis can save a multinational nationalizing private debt, or to blend your dollar debt with the currency exchange, here are some examples parimos Argentine children. Within these bad examples of public servants are also others. As an example: the appropriation of 100,000,000,000 billion dollars of the administrators, pension funds, the people of the nation Argentina, belonging to well established companies that managed the funds for the retirement of Argentine citizens under the pretext of using or managing pension funds better, please! Enough lies, provident funds, retirement or pensions are the spoils of all politicians, in order to carry out their miserable social plans, they stay with the bread crumbs and you are given. Les
dear neighbors, I ask a question: would not you that calls attention to years of stinging our democracy, yet no justice has been served with the demand for housing?, what has not been generated at the country level, created a law to protect the housing foreclosures, What to safeguard the land from neighbors, especially Machiavellian economic plan destroy the most sacred thing that we as a nation, our family barn, our national barn?. Yes, I'm talking to will never be destroyed, the house is topped only by a family, they were not stealing the land to native who is the source of their livelihood, they were not destroying the livelihood of the farmers with economic policies that mortgaged their fields with garbage agreements with multinationals as Monsanto and company. As I write this I am sorry, because having the power to do, plus the fact that may have sold his soul ... or your life to the highest bidder "?...¿ be the best?.
conclude the story of Mephibosheth, this child came to survive the selfish policy of a king. So that after many years, the sovereign, into reasonably ask: is there any survivors from my political opponent?. To be fair, he realized all the harm he had inflicted on his bitter opponent, competitor, and his entire family and their descendants.
What he did then, just makes it worth a king, repented all the injustice, and made several things repaired, restored the child everything his father had lost because of past mistakes and made him feel like a king and ate next to his desk, as his son.
I wonder: Will there be among us another king, political, regretting that returns, payments, restore and restore everything that our nation took his Machiavellian politics as selfish?. Mustapic
Federico Antonio. We usually


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