Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Integrative Social Contract Theory


Rafaelle Bendandi remarkable self-taught scientist Italian recognized for having provided if any recorded earthquakes and notarized, creates concern in the Italian population has had a chance to know him, he approaches his prediction of a major earthquake in Rome for the May 11, 2011.
astronomer born in 1883 and died in 1979. At 16 years and had built his own telescope and then several seismic sensors. By his count, beaten by the devastating death of earthquakes, developed the theory cosmic turn called Bendandiana theory that explains phenomena including earthquakes by combining the position of the planets of the solar system with satellite lunar, exerting force to move the oceans and the earth's plates, according to the medium of Civil Protection.
"The origins of earthquakes according to my theory are cosmic. According to data collected by me and controlled me, the earthquake occurred when the monthly cycle of lunar revolution, the action of the moon will join the action of other planets. Are the moon, sun and other planets, says astronomer, "causing the expansion of generating crustal earthquakes. As earthquakes are totally predictable, "he says strongly Bendandi as TV interview Italian RAI that was broadcast in 2009 and 11 February 2011. Rafaelle
Bendandi predicted a year ago and the exact Marsica earthquake in Italy, in 1915, where 30,000 of 120,000 were killed before the motion of magnitude 7.48 on the Richter scale. Later to leave evidence of their predictions notary recorded a notice of the earthquake for January 2, 1924 in the Le Marche region, in northern Italy, which actually happened as predicted, but two days after that date.
Even then accurately predicted the earthquake in Friuli in 1976, whose magnitude was 6.5 on the Richter scale and killed thousands in addition to 45,000 houses without roofs, the means of the time confirm that the authorities refused to recognize it, because their predictions do not always correspond to a precise place and exact date.
Italians today, most unaware of Bendandi Raffaele, face the next dates of their prophecies, which are the earthquake in Rome on May 11, 2011 and that as predicted will occur in different parts of the world during the April 2012 and will be on the ground "like leopard spots," described Bendandi. For the latter does not specify the day, or places, as the television Rai. Paola
Lagorio, President Bendandiana Association, which maintains the museum and Raffaele Bendandi studies, said in 2009, in an interview with Italian television channel Rai, that earthquakes do not report cited a precise time and place, so people should not panic.
In this regard it should be noted, says the Italian Civil Protection newspaper, announcing an earthquake is an act of attempting to alarm and that is punishable by law in Italy. On the other hand, the institution believes that a notice and may also draw people away and make way for the thieves. Regarding allegations
alarm, there is another Italian case, the lab technician 'Gran Sasso', Gianpaolo Giuliani, who announced days before a possible earthquake in L'Aguila, which is then actually verified April 6, 2009, obliterated two peoples and destroying the historic districts of the city, capital of the region of Abruzzo. Instead of heeding the authorities accused him of creating alarm and not alerted the public.
"A complaint against me stop the researchers carry out these theories," said researcher Abruzzoweb \u200b\u200bthe middle on 12 February this year.
Giuliani told the press that does not use Astrology method used or the cosmos as a captain of the Chilean Navy to predict the weather report on 6 August the earthquake and tsunami of 16 August 1916 in Chile, or the method developed by Raffaele Bendandi cosmological, in many hits referrals.
Gianpaolo Giuliani said that his particular method, can provide a maximum of 55 hours the arrival of the earthquake, as declared in the middle Abruzzoweb \u200b\u200bon 12 February. turn declared that a major alignment of the stars was followed on April 5 before the earthquake of Abruzzo and another will take place on May 4 this year, just before the date predicted by Bendandi. "Then he concludes," we can not exclude anything, "referring to the earthquake prediction in Rome on 11 May this year. Meanwhile
Civil Protection newspaper published at the same time on January 21, concern about the flyers that appeared on the streets of Rome Ciampino to alarm the population of an "earthquake of considerable proportions" in Rome, for May 11, 2011. The leaflets are signed on behalf of civil protection, but that institution said they have not been distributed or published. In the steering wheel
recommends that people leave the city 2 days before until 2 to 3 days after the due date.


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