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The Compact with the People signed by Ollanta Humala of Peru states that the transformation that the country needs to be done in a gradual and persistent:
• Under the rule of law,
• Absolute respect to the division of state powers,
• honoring all commitments of the State and
• Restoring the principle of public ethics, fighting corruption and waste of state money.
This legal and institutional framework, the following policy proposals are some of the lineaments of basis for the establishment of a National Coalition Government.
Wanted: a rapid and significant impact in reducing poverty and expanding the beneficiaries of economic growth and strengthen the systems for consultation, participation and public consultation on social programs. These measures seek to reduce social conflict, for while facilitating private investment and help improve productivity.
• Duplication of coverage (number of households) TOGETHER program aimed at extremely poor families and single mothers in need.
• Increase the minimum wage to S /. 750. Future increases in line with productivity developments and the cost of the consumption basket.
• MORE COT program for early childhood mainly in districts with the highest poverty rate.
• PENSION S/.250 65, focused and with funding from the public treasury, for people over 65 who have no social protection. Do not touch the funds of members of the AFP.
• GRANT 18 for young graduates with high performance of public schools for professional education in public or private universities in the country.
• Graduate Fellowships in countries more advanced education standards for graduates with high performance of the Peruvian public and private universities wishing to study in applied science and / or receive technical training.
• Enhanced program of teacher training public elementary and secondary schools targeted to achieve systemic improvement in the quality of teaching.
• Efficient quality control of drugs with emphasis in promoting quality generic, effective, safe and timely.
• System Mobile Emergency Service (SAMU), with ambulances equipped, qualified staff and internet access to specialty medical groups to deal with emergency cases at the national level with emphasis on rural areas.
• Zero Malnutrition breakfasts and lunches in public schools, and strengthening the preventive health plan for students.
• Focusing on one teacher and multigrade schools operating in poor rural areas of the country.
• Provision of potable water, sewerage and electricity for public schools. Basic services will be extended progressively, starting in the areas of greatest deficit.
• Fight against drug trafficking, trafficking of chemical precursors, money laundering and drug production.
• Increase the number of police on the streets because of poor training and better wages.
• Installation of more police stations and ensure its interconnection with cutting-edge technological equipment.
Wanted maintain economic growth with macroeconomic stability, incorporating social inclusion and making a better distribution of wealth. To this end the State will create the conditions for developing domestic markets and expand exports with higher technological content processing and in the context of an open economy.
1) Price stability and fiscal sustainability
• Maintaining the current monetary policy regime based on inflation targeting and respect for the independence and autonomy of BCRP.
• Implementation of a responsible fiscal policy and counter effectively, to ensure the financing of social policies with the respective tax collection.
2) Conditions for expanding domestic private investment, diversification and competitiveness.
• Investment investment in infrastructure through public and private national and foreign, and / or through concessions and public-private partnerships for increasing physical integration of the territory and the consequent expansion and integration of our domestic markets, which will diversify and decentralize the production system.
• Continued development of capital markets in local currency for competitive funding for national or local private investment and its gradual opening to the MSEs and SMEs, facilitating citizen participation schemes.
• Taking social and environmentally sustainable, our natural resources.
• Promote the creation of value and production chains using the natural resources and competitive advantages of the country.
• educational revolution that emphasizes the quality and the development of Science, Technology and Innovation.
• Defender a los agricultores de las prácticas de abuso de posición de dominio y de las importaciones de productos subsidiados que compitan deslealmente con nuestra producción.
• Defensa y promoción de la biodiversidad y de la agricultura, especialmente la orgánica, declarando la moratoria al ingreso de semillas transgénicas al país, y con la participación activa de las comunidades locales.
3) Desarrollo emprendedor y empresarial
• Promotion of MSEs and SMEs through access to business development services, training, technical assistance, support competitiveness, value chains and conglomerates, financial services and simplified procedures. Credit and microfinance to support entrepreneurs.
• Ensure the full enforcement of property rights with special emphasis on mountain and forest. Will promote the certification of small farmers, as well as rural and native communities.
• Promote the development of small and medium agricultural production and agribusiness, implementing credit lines for funding (agricultural machinery and irrigation improvements) and working capital through the Agrobanco, BANK OF THE NATION and COFIDE financial support to agricultural insurance.
• Sort and extend technical assistance, market information, technological innovation, production infrastructure and facilities for the business organization of farmers.
to finance social policies will be implemented a tax policy which aims to gradually and steadily increase permanent tax revenues by about 3% of GDP, as required by the National Agreement. Not create new taxes.
• Ensure the independent functioning of the SUNAT and consolidate the merger with Customs. Avoidance of general sales tax and income tax currently 37% and 49%, respectively, is reduced by at least half.
• The competitive mining taxation will not discourage investment, making the total tax burden increase when profitability increases and decreases when profitability decreases, ensuring windfall tax the mining taking account international competition.
• It will ensure the collection of royalties, seeking mutual agreement with mining companies and ensuring respect for legal stability.
goal is for natural gas is a priority for Peru, massifying consumption and driving it quickly reaches the North, Central and South of the country. It renegotiated the contract for Block 88 and boosted the construction of necessary infrastructure for mass consumption.
• Reduced price of gas (Liquefied Petroleum Gas-LPG).
despetrolización • Promote the energy matrix, using the natural gas and renewable energy.
• Promote a culture of efficient and rational use of energy as a mechanism to improve social, economic and environmental. • It will promote the development of the petrochemical industry.
It seeks to improve the functioning of markets to ensure transparency, competition, environmental protection and access for all citizens alike.
• Strengthen the defense mechanisms of competition and consumer protection.
• Strengthening the autonomy and effectiveness of regulatory bodies.
• Integrating and strengthening existing regulatory measures through the establishment of an independent body of environmental regulation.
It seeks to develop working relationships that will reconcile economic efficiency with equity.
• Full operation of the National Labour Council
• Effective Control of respect for labor rights and health and safety conditions of work. Will significantly increase the number of labor inspectors.
• Ensure effective enforcement of labor rights (freedom of association and collective bargaining linking it to increases in productivity).
• Incentive programs to the formalization of MSEs consistent in assuring workers of all companies that are formalized and at the same time, undertake to comply with their tax obligations and core labor standards.
• Implement training systems on demand, to facilitate the employability of the unemployed and underemployed labor supply.
G. BY STATE safer, more efficient, transparent and decentralized
goal is to generate effective implementation of the tasks of the State and facilitate decentralization.
• Implement the reform of the civil service career in public administration based on meritocracy and adequate pay.
• Creation of a technical team that ensures the implementation monitoring of projects and programs of high priority.
• Creation of a National School of Public Administration as responsible for the training of public officials in the administration of the three levels of government.
• Staff training for the empowerment of the management capacity of regional and local governments.
• Strengthen the decentralization of the National Public Investment System (SNIP) and provide it with professional equipment qualified and adequately paid.
• Clearly defined responsibilities of the national government level, regional and local co-financing of investments between the three levels of government.
• Prioritize public investments in regions without Canon, in order to create conditions for the future shape of macro-regions.
• Optimize the use of competitive funds investment local and regional level to expand the pool of projects and ensure greater participation of business organizations and civil society.
• Creation of an Economic and Social Council as an advisory body composed of government representatives of the workforce and business-industry and agriculture, and representatives of civil society. This Council will help to propose reforms and public policies to enhance growth with redistribution and social inclusion and to support the growth with social and political stability.
• Autonomy and strengthening the National Statistics Institute (INEI).
Ollanta Humala Tasso
Presidential Candidate
Task Force
Alfonso Velázquez Former Minister of Production, former president of Exporters Association (ADEX) Álvaro Vidal Rivadeneyra Physician. Former Health Minister Carlos Herrera Descalzi Cecilia Israel electrician Mechanical Engineer Historian Daniel Schydlowsky Ph. D. Félix Jiménez Economics Ph. D. Fernando Sánchez Albavera Economics Master of the School of Government, Harvard University Former Minister of Energy and Mines Francisco Eguiguren Lawyer, Master in Constitutional Law Alarco Tosoni Germain Master in Economics Master in Economics Humberto Campodonico Attorney Jaime Delgado Javier Iguiñiz Ph. D. Kurt Economics Burneo Farfán Doctor of Business Administration and Luis Alberto Arias Minaya Master Luis Alberto Salgado Economics Lawyer, Master in International Economic Law Master Luis Sierralta Zapata Luis Solari Tudela Administration Lawyer, graduate school at the Diplomatic Academy of Peru Miguel Ángel Martín Mato Oscar Dancourt Doctor in Economics Master in Economics Masías Ricardo Giesecke Former Deputy Minister of Energy and Mining Engineer, former head of the Climate Change Unit of the National Environmental Council (CONAM). Ruth Shady Anthropologist, educator G. Lerner Industrial Engineering Ph. D. Santiago Roca Economics