At least three delegates Telecentre have been physically assaulted by Sebastian Pierri (photo), manager of the company, when they distributed a flyer with the slogan "Stop the outsourcing in call centers."
The punch and the classic "trigger" finger as a threat of death laid bare, once again, corporate impunity and the ways in which these groups-in this case, is worth Pierri to defend, sustain and enhance the extraordinary business of telecommunications made viable in the triple play.
is not a "triggered" plus: it underlines the commitment of President employers to maintain "social peace" attacking an activism that is demanding an end to outsourcing and that has increased their demands after the killing of Mariano Ferreira at the hands of a gang of Railway Union.
Pierri, old connoisseur of impunity and privileges for decades in the different strata of the State and under all governments, has written a new page.
's not enough to nod in several municipalities K-monopolized by the Clarin group, to use and set up your network for public lighting without any initial investment, nor is formed by the recent approval of the CCT UOCRA in the Ministry of Labour that allows contractors and subcontractors for tasks TV (Facilities, network installation, etc..) Does not satisfy build a spy network that includes GPS on each service truck to accelerate the pace of work. Keeps blind passion for more, more and more profit at the expense of worker exploitation. Paragraph
deserves the International Commission of Telecentre, which fell to announce what happened 72 hours after the facts and report that "outsourced the majority at this point in the company and had to do something," without saying why.
Several companions went to claim concrete and uninsulated about outsourcing and working conditions (tools, plus per driver, career plans, etc.)..
There is a need to conduct meetings in all the rules and vote on a plan of struggle, which has as its objective to pass the SATs plant under the agreement of all the comrades who are in various forms of precarious employment.
debate is in a crackdown mafia reject these practices and put on the table the general interests of workers Telecentre.
Graduate Center Faculty of Humanities Press Release
Given the facts of public knowledge by which a number of individuals charged with the judicial process which investigates crimes committed during the military dictatorship have been arrested or fugitives from justice, the Graduate Center of the Faculty of Humanities says: 1. The conclusions of these trials are the result of the struggle of the agencies and the militants dd.hh popular, against laws such as the Due Obedience and the end point or pardons, never dropped their arms in their calls for truth and justice. Also note that beyond any political position, we found an institutional climate suitable for the trial and condemnation of heinous crimes. 2. We not only shed light on these atrocities, but also of its history the CNU and the Triple A, that have been reported by several witnesses in the trial called for the Truth of our city. 3. As a university we can not fail to note that our background UNMDP and the Provincial and Catholic, were particularly damaged by this criminal history, taking hundreds of murdered and disappeared, laid off, closed circuit racing intelligence inside that stifled thought and debate. The Faculty of Humanities Faculty is proof that the murder of Dean Maria del Carmen "Coca" Maggi. Today his case is one that starts with these arrests. 4. We follow all the witnesses for their courage and dignity, and show solidarity against attacks from some local press. 5. In the way of truth and justice will honor our past and the best political traditions of our history. Mr. Joseph A.
The boundaries of the claim by the "insecurity" in Mar del Plata
Earlier days, the mother of a brutally murdered boy said: "We want no politics here, so we call on all parents to join in the square on Tuesday the water." Hundreds of cars roam our streets with pictures of victims with the claim of Justice. The truth is that demands for greater security against violence growing daily. View would not try to hide the sun with their hands. It is also true that these demands, by its own logic, feed on a claim visceral pain, misunderstanding, but not of a size and purposeful organization that makes these claims remain over time and develop a political culture. Large marches called by Blumberg and their subsequent contraction are more than a test of what should not happen if what you want is to keep active demand. why it is important to us to make some contributions understanding of these mobilizations. Firstly: the claims of a society are not the mathematical sum of desires, beliefs, pains, dreams of its members. This may seem obvious, it is not, nor in social theory, or societal everyday practice. culture has installed a "do it yourself", which roughly translates into "I want what I want politicians to meet." The sum of these individual desires can not be converted in a state policy. Why? Simply because they can (and most often are) to be contradictory. is no place here to delve into a purely theoretical debate. If noted that a specific claim is not necessarily fair per se. Obviously we're not talking about the right of citizens to freely travel, work, study and live in your home without anyone violent. This is a right inherent in the constitution of a democratic state, like so many others. The point here is how, or rather, the ways in which this demand materializes.
A cursory review of newspaper pages tell us that, in general, there is a vision of "class" of the phenomenon of violence. We refer to a stabbing in a suburb is, most of the time, a "settling of accounts." As for property crimes that involve physical violence, unfortunately, in many cases, are acts of "dangerous criminals" to citizens. This fragmentation of discourse has its anchor in the vision of middle and upper layers of the offense. For many, necessarily, is committed by "blacks", "drug addicts" and "social scum." marplatense In a neighborhood of lower middle, neighbors gathered at building society to organize against the "crime." With a system of appeals and other matters were alert, until finally "caught" offenders. Who were they? One of them a 16 year old son of the prime mover of the proposed "security" territorial. This figure, although smaller in scale, it is surprising and shows a picture not often taken into account. Thus, social and cultural fragmentation is imposed as a rule explaining the criminal process, when the truth is probably much more nuanced. Turning to the issue claimed, it is clear that the outrage at the death of a relative and a child is more than understandable and necessary support (yes, and this is a debate for the "progressive") but can never become a state policy. Clarifying : who is attacked is likely to claim more drastic measures, which can not be taken by our leaders as viable, simply because they are not. Playing politics is not only read polls. It is much more than that. policy "hard", which twists and turns has been imposed in the Province of Buenos Aires in some periods of agitation is much more than politics.
Maybe just one example suffice: during the Governor's Ruckauf was amended Criminal Procedure Code (responsibility of the Province) in the non-release on recidivism, possession of firearm, juvenile company, etc. The media asked tough and this was a response to increased levels of overcrowding in prisons and police stations and crowded judicial system. In particular, increased the number of prisoners in the province, but not the number of criminals apprehended. Why? In a democratic system we are all innocent until proven otherwise, and these measures increased the percentage of accused but not convicted. The numbers are increasing or maintained. In the prisons of the province still 75% of prisoners are processed, not convicted. back to claim the policy is not that mother, we must say that, precisely, the claims of "increased security" (as you read through the media) are essentially political. And the answer to them must be political. Only a policy of state, collective, democratic, designed with a high degree of legitimacy can begin the long road to lower crime rates. is clear: a promise not sound easier, better to be silent or design assumptions advertising plans that can lend a vote, but not real solutions.
Again a labor court ruling was ignored by Artear SA
Surrounded by partners from other channels and print, Marcelo Moreira and Ricardo Junghanns tried to resettle in their jobs. It was Sept. 15, when the delegates elected by all media workers of TN and Channel 13 were, once again, prevented the constitutional right to practice their profession. Then the statement of the International Commission of 13/TN Canal.
Channel 13 and TN know again a failure of justice
In a new ruling, the National Court of Labor No. 7 convicted Artear SA to reinstate its job Marcelo Moreira, Workers' delegate Channel 13 news and TN.
A Junghanns Ricardo Marcelo Moreira and are prohibited entry into Channel 13 since December 2008 when, together with 6 other colleagues were elected delegates of the press workers.
On Wednesday 15 September, with workers from the Channel 13 news and TN and shop stewards of newspapers, magazines, news agencies and other channels, Moreira and tried to resume their work Junghanns But the company again denied them entry.
On this occasion, the private security agents usually guard the entrance to the television channel, were joined by the legal representative of Art, who announced the ban on entry of the co confirming what we have always denounced: the absolute lack of compliance of laws and resolutions of the Justice 13/TN Canal. Again, the Court considered a conviction that Junghanns layoffs and Moreira were the product of persecutory acts of discrimination and therefore illegal. This failure repeats what has already been expressed by courts No. 80 and No. 7 on Precautionary Measures resolved in June and September 2009, and confirmed by the House Education No. 8 forcing the company to reinstate them because otherwise they would violate Constitutional Rights. press workers denounce this new arbitrary maneuver company and reaffirm our resolve to continue organizing with the goal that the field of SA Artear our rights are respected and complied with the Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Statute of the Journalist indispensable tools for the exercise worthy of our profession.
We consider the case Fibertel, diluted in the agenda of the media ... NEW
No dismissal Fibertel
Fibertel Expiration issued by the union government has shaken the television. The resolution adopted open a question mark over the continued employment of workers and their future working conditions.
Clarín That works as a state without law, workers have always known, in 13-TN Canal continues prohibited re-entry of the two delegates dismissed in 2008, despite court rulings that ordered the monopoly placing in the charge.
AGR In panel, bid farewell to all its internal committee 2004. The same in Clarín, Olé with a hundred workers, ten years ago. Back in the '90s, laid off and denied entry to another delegate.
It should be noted that the absorption of Fibertel by Cablevision, and of both by Clarín passed before a blind eye to all the "bodies control" of the Kirchner government.
The government now agreed Fibertel illegal. But for the benefit of other monopolies, "friends" of government. We refer to Telefonica and Telecom.
also K Werthein group that has control of content in Telecom C5N owns with Daniel Hadad. In this cable channel, low wages, unfair dismissal and bullying against staff are common. Any attempt at union organization among workers of the press is paid to the prosecution and dismissal.
In recent joint television, the greatest beneficiaries of the agreement, with a six-month loan at zero rate on the retention of the "first rise" of workers were Cablevision and Supercanal (Clarín is part of the shareholder last).
In this picture, it is necessary to clarify the role of union leadership (SAT), brought a resolution shows "concern" about the fate of workers may be at Cablevision.
SATSA But the contradiction is in the staunchly support the new Media Law, which is not simply the benefit of the national government to Telecom and Telefonica, which are aligned to it.
television workers we are at a crossroads: if workers lose the most important company, it appears the tendency to self-emptying into the guild. To deal with the layoffs, we need a union independent of government and business.
From Fiber Workers, our hypothesis is that Fibertel continue with their activities, not under the direction of Cablevision, Clarín but under management comprising representatives of its workers, political and social organizations and workers recognized television.
addition to the defense of all jobs and the full exercise of trade union rights and labor rights of workers.
punishment to all employers in the media that violates the rights of workers and staff and constituents who must enforce the law.
In this way, we will place a limit on extortion that Clarin, on the one hand, and pro-government media monopolies, on the other hand, workers have on television and public opinion. And we will open a debate on the right to work and freedom of expression, which require a struggle against private or state capitalist monopoly of media and communication.
OPEN LETTER: It's not easy being a worker multimedia press
Buenos Aires September 3 , 2010
After 11 years without union representation of workers of press 13/TN channel, eight fellow delegates were elected in December 2008. Of course, as usual, from that moment those who subscribe to this letter have been denied entry to the company.
's not easy being a worker press most powerful multimedia Argentina. Workers usually do not choose not conceive of our patterns in our image and likeness.
saw from the inside growing influence and weight of the monopoly in society. Its greedy appetite to maximize profits at the expense of workers made redundant or precarious.
suffer, to the extent of risking our own health, the daily pressures for any content that is out of control.
's not easy being a worker press multimedia and know that our wages, outside any conventional or joint parameter, depend on food, health and education of our families.
know and learned from experience that when confronted by a different model of journalism and business journalistic we face directories allies of military dictatorships. The chilling images of collusion family almost monopoly heiress Ernestina Herrera de Noble with dictators Videla Lanusse and newsprint is inaugurating a symbolic violence for many enough "exemplary" of the place that should cover the claims in this type of business. Fellow journalists disappeared, persecuted or exiled, are eloquent testimonies.
"This is not a place for free thinkers," he reflected to live you Carlos De Elia Manager of Channel 13 News. "Only We are soldiers, "repeated his captains in the newsroom.
the watchful eye of security cameras covering every angle possible in a language with no windows and private police wandering the halls, are extremely effective resources to control the desires.
As you can see it is not easy being an employee of the press in multimedia.
In an opinion poll conducted among 150 fellows, and it was presented as proof in justice, some data were revealing.
, 55% said they feel uncomfortable in the company and receives a work environment bad or very bad. The overwhelming majority of 97.5% believes that dialogue with the company is not good. 91% feel that there are no instances to think freely. 86% receiving undue pressure from their bosses. 40% reported having some anxiety problems, stress or depression because of work. And nearly half say they have had to resort to drugs for those same diseases.
's not easy being a worker press multimedia.
In the years 2007 / 8 after a long time silencing and effort required "underground", we dared to expose the working conditions we experienced. The total indifference to the collective bargaining agreement. The absolute lack of respect for the Statute of the Journalist. The lack of freedom of association. The reinstatement of dismissed colleagues. All conditions which support the idea that multimedia is a territory only devoid of constitutional rights comparable to Argentina's state terrorism.
And the answer to our demands soon came. Repatriated to the Human Resources Management SA Artear an old acquaintance of workers the lawyer Angel Franco Cosentino, the same as hundreds of fellow cast paving the way for Clarin boosted with Channel 13 in the 90's. " Career continued wrongful dismissal and persecutory on Channel 9 and the Americas.
is not easy working in the multimedia especially if the decision is organizing with other partners. Fifteen of us were fired or punished for this organizational effort.
In our case, from the 1st December 2008, after more than 10 years of work, the company prevents us from being elected income Workers' delegates of the press.
still remember when, 24 hours before the union election, Mr. Angel Franco Cosentino threatened that, like us, the polls ENTRATRÍAN NO "to the company. Finally, despite these maneuvers, 104 colleagues chose an internal commission after eleven years without union representation.
The July 7, 2010, and there are several faults in the same vein, the Court again ordered the defendant to broadcasting Argentine Art (ART) SA to resettle in our jobs and the immediate payment of our salaries, since "(...) the dismissals were invalid (...) products unlawful. "
not allow union organization of workers is attacking freedom of expression.
not recognize the failures of justice is to believe a power greater than the state itself.
's not easy being press worker multimedia even more difficult, being a worker organized with independent views.
How many internal committees of delegates were dismissed without hesitation? Of course I remember the struggle of Clarín newspaper colleagues to organize and stay with them we learned.
In June 2008 an act full of other ads, a study conducted in the channel, the News Manager Carlos De Elia announced the merger of Cablevision and Multichannel technique as the crowning of the successful and irreversible process of concentration companies, whose origin was unclear now, the looting of the military dictatorship and Menem privatization. Over 250 channels, announced as part of war, make up this vast network of independent journalism. " For control would be used to a new management that would by the "necessary homogenization of content" that "as the General Roca, in the right direction" he explained, would be at the frontiers of the media in Argentina.
Two years later attended the debate on new Act and Broadcasting Services shooting ground of the dictatorship that law to give legal framework to monopolization of the media and discretionary management content.
monopolization For workers meant fewer workers and more precarious occupation. Fewer journalists and more journalists silenced.
why the law of democracy can not be blackmailed for workers.
Democratization of media, plurality, freedom of expression, protection of jobs, implementation of collective agreements and the Statute of the Journalist, free joint with organized labor, are two sides of same coin.
Because it is not easy to be an employee of multimedia press affirm that no worker can be fired or extorted. We deserve to fight for decent work, even freedom of expression, for more and better democracy.
For mafia cliques that vie for dominance of the monopoly of the media, the plight of workers Fibertel is just a side effect. They are our companions, who eventually end up paying the consequences of corporate frameworks and their irresponsible actions.
In this contest between Clarin and K, the workers of the television, press and Internet have to chart a way out in line with our interests. Since the group Fiber Workers ask:
* That Fibertel continue with their activities, not under the direction of Cablevision, Clarín, but under management made up of representatives of workers, political and social organizations recognized and media workers .
* The defense of all jobs in Fibertel. Full enjoyment of rights labor unions and workers.
* The punishment of any employer's communication that violates the rights of workers and staff and constituents who must enforce the law.
Declaration of Orange Press, Fiber SATSA Workers and the Association of Orange Telefonica
CLARÍN ... Clarín that monopoly serves as a state without law, workers have always known. As company assembled a Internet without authorization inside the octopus queen black work and social security evasion that AFIP would not find in his "megaooperativo." The violation of collective agreements and our Statute of journalists are common in the monopoly. Clarín also violates the law when it prohibits union activity within their companies. The graph AGR, fired its internal committee in 2003. in Clarín, Olé, also was fired ten years ago all its internal committee, along with a hundred workers. Back in the '90s, laid off and denied entry to another delegate, Paul Llonto. In Canal 13-TN, octopus show their claws again to dismiss two other delegates in 2008. Both AGR and in Canal 13-TN, the company continues to violate the law by prohibiting the re-entry workers, despite court rulings that ordered the monopoly to replace them in office.
... THE K All Clarín group labor abuses for the past eight years have come to the beard of the Minister Tomada, but only one of them was braking. The great strike of the graphics, in 2003, was suppressed by the gendarmerie sent by Kirchner. Similarly, the absorption of Fibertel by Cablevision, and both by Clarín, they passed a blind eye to all "agencies of control" of the Kirchner government. The government has now agreed Fibertel illegal. But the beneficiaries of his will as other monopolies, so powerful and slave as the group Clarin clear that "friends" of government. We refer to Telefonica and Telecom. K Werthein group that has control of content in Telecom, owns C5N with Daniel Hadad. In this cable channel, low wages, unfair dismissal and bullying against staff are common. Any attempt at union organization among workers is paid media persecution and dismissal. We know in the trade press, on TV and among phone.
An output If it is content manipulation, can be an outlet pass from Clarín monopoly monopoly of Telefonica and Telecom? Can you talk about freedom of expression and right to control the communication media handing Edward Feinman? If it comes to labor rights, can be an outlet pass or Werthein Magnetto Hadad, or any employer fend for the K? In this battle for dominance monopoly of communication between Clarin and K, the other workers of press and Internet have to raise output according to our interests.
Fibertel continue with their activities, not under the direction of Cablevision, Clarín, but under management made up of representatives of workers, political and social organizations recognized and media workers.
The defense of all jobs in Fibertel. Full observance of labor and union rights of workers.
punishment to all employers in the media that violates the rights of their workers and staff and constituents who must enforce the law.
right to free expression of the workers in the media contained in the Statute of the Journalist.
In this way, we will place a limit on the Clarín extortion on the one hand, and pro-government media monopolies, on the other hand, workers have on the press and public. And we will open a debate on the right to work and freedom of expression, which require a struggle against private or state capitalist monopoly of media and communication.
The Orange Press, Fiber Workers of the SATs, Orange Group directly
Contacts: Eduardo De La Fuente 15-4415-6228 (Candidate for Deputy Secretary / Deputy Télam) Rubén Schofrin: 15-5981 -1006 (Candidate for Secretary of Organization / Deputy Editorial Profile) Leonardo Villafañe: 15-5338-8404 (Candidate for Deputy Secretary Treasurer Delegate The Chronicle)