OPEN LETTER: It's not easy being a worker multimedia press
Buenos Aires September 3 , 2010
After 11 years without union representation of workers of press 13/TN channel, eight fellow delegates were elected in December 2008. Of course, as usual, from that moment those who subscribe to this letter have been denied entry to the company.
's not easy being a worker press most powerful multimedia Argentina. Workers usually do not choose not conceive of our patterns in our image and likeness.
saw from the inside growing influence and weight of the monopoly in society. Its greedy appetite to maximize profits at the expense of workers made redundant or precarious.
suffer, to the extent of risking our own health, the daily pressures for any content that is out of control.
's not easy being a worker press multimedia and know that our wages, outside any conventional or joint parameter, depend on food, health and education of our families.
know and learned from experience that when confronted by a different model of journalism and business journalistic we face directories allies of military dictatorships. The chilling images of collusion family almost monopoly heiress Ernestina Herrera de Noble with dictators Videla Lanusse and newsprint is inaugurating a symbolic violence for many enough "exemplary" of the place that should cover the claims in this type of business. Fellow journalists disappeared, persecuted or exiled, are eloquent testimonies.
"This is not a place for free thinkers," he reflected to live you Carlos De Elia Manager of Channel 13 News. "Only We are soldiers, "repeated his captains in the newsroom.
the watchful eye of security cameras covering every angle possible in a language with no windows and private police wandering the halls, are extremely effective resources to control the desires.
As you can see it is not easy being an employee of the press in multimedia.
In an opinion poll conducted among 150 fellows, and it was presented as proof in justice, some data were revealing.
, 55% said they feel uncomfortable in the company and receives a work environment bad or very bad. The overwhelming majority of 97.5% believes that dialogue with the company is not good. 91% feel that there are no instances to think freely. 86% receiving undue pressure from their bosses. 40% reported having some anxiety problems, stress or depression because of work. And nearly half say they have had to resort to drugs for those same diseases.
's not easy being a worker press multimedia.
In the years 2007 / 8 after a long time silencing and effort required "underground", we dared to expose the working conditions we experienced. The total indifference to the collective bargaining agreement. The absolute lack of respect for the Statute of the Journalist. The lack of freedom of association. The reinstatement of dismissed colleagues. All conditions which support the idea that multimedia is a territory only devoid of constitutional rights comparable to Argentina's state terrorism.
And the answer to our demands soon came. Repatriated to the Human Resources Management SA Artear an old acquaintance of workers the lawyer Angel Franco Cosentino, the same as hundreds of fellow cast paving the way for Clarin boosted with Channel 13 in the 90's. " Career continued wrongful dismissal and persecutory on Channel 9 and the Americas.
is not easy working in the multimedia especially if the decision is organizing with other partners. Fifteen of us were fired or punished for this organizational effort.
In our case, from the 1st December 2008, after more than 10 years of work, the company prevents us from being elected income Workers' delegates of the press.
still remember when, 24 hours before the union election, Mr. Angel Franco Cosentino threatened that, like us, the polls ENTRATRÍAN NO "to the company. Finally, despite these maneuvers, 104 colleagues chose an internal commission after eleven years without union representation.
The July 7, 2010, and there are several faults in the same vein, the Court again ordered the defendant to broadcasting Argentine Art (ART) SA to resettle in our jobs and the immediate payment of our salaries, since "(...) the dismissals were invalid (...) products unlawful. "
not allow union organization of workers is attacking freedom of expression.
not recognize the failures of justice is to believe a power greater than the state itself.
's not easy being press worker multimedia even more difficult, being a worker organized with independent views.
How many internal committees of delegates were dismissed without hesitation? Of course I remember the struggle of Clarín newspaper colleagues to organize and stay with them we learned.
In June 2008 an act full of other ads, a study conducted in the channel, the News Manager Carlos De Elia announced the merger of Cablevision and Multichannel technique as the crowning of the successful and irreversible process of concentration companies, whose origin was unclear now, the looting of the military dictatorship and Menem privatization. Over 250 channels, announced as part of war, make up this vast network of independent journalism. " For control would be used to a new management that would by the "necessary homogenization of content" that "as the General Roca, in the right direction" he explained, would be at the frontiers of the media in Argentina.
Two years later attended the debate on new Act and Broadcasting Services shooting ground of the dictatorship that law to give legal framework to monopolization of the media and discretionary management content.
monopolization For workers meant fewer workers and more precarious occupation. Fewer journalists and more journalists silenced.
why the law of democracy can not be blackmailed for workers.
Democratization of media, plurality, freedom of expression, protection of jobs, implementation of collective agreements and the Statute of the Journalist, free joint with organized labor, are two sides of same coin.
Because it is not easy to be an employee of multimedia press affirm that no worker can be fired or extorted. We deserve to fight for decent work, even freedom of expression, for more and better democracy.
Ricardo Junghanns : 111550202540
Marcelo Moreira: 111569688423
Delegates of the Press Workers 13/TN Canal
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