The boundaries of the claim by the "insecurity" in Mar del Plata
Earlier days, the mother of a brutally murdered boy said: "We want no politics here, so we call on all parents to join in the square on Tuesday the water." Hundreds of cars
roam our streets with pictures of victims with the claim of Justice.
The truth is that demands for greater security against violence growing daily. View would not try to hide the sun with their hands.
It is also true that these demands, by its own logic, feed on a claim visceral pain, misunderstanding, but not of a size and purposeful organization that makes these claims remain over time and develop a political culture. Large marches called
by Blumberg and their subsequent contraction are more than a test of what should not happen if what you want is to keep active demand.
why it is important to us to make some contributions understanding of these mobilizations.
Firstly: the claims of a society are not the mathematical sum of desires, beliefs, pains, dreams of its members. This may seem obvious, it is not, nor in social theory, or societal everyday practice.
culture has installed a "do it yourself", which roughly translates into "I want what I want politicians to meet." The sum of these individual desires can not be converted in a state policy. Why? Simply because they can (and most often are) to be contradictory.
is no place here to delve into a purely theoretical debate. If noted that a specific claim is not necessarily fair per se.
Obviously we're not talking about the right of citizens to freely travel, work, study and live in your home without anyone violent. This is a right inherent in the constitution of a democratic state, like so many others.
The point here is how, or rather, the ways in which this demand materializes.
A cursory review of newspaper pages tell us that, in general, there is a vision of "class" of the phenomenon of violence. We refer to a stabbing in a suburb is, most of the time, a "settling of accounts." As for property crimes that involve physical violence, unfortunately, in many cases, are acts of "dangerous criminals" to citizens.
This fragmentation of discourse has its anchor in the vision of middle and upper layers of the offense. For many, necessarily, is committed by "blacks", "drug addicts" and "social scum."
marplatense In a neighborhood of lower middle, neighbors gathered at building society to organize against the "crime." With a system of appeals and other matters were alert, until finally "caught" offenders. Who were they? One of them a 16 year old son of the prime mover of the proposed "security" territorial.
This figure, although smaller in scale, it is surprising and shows a picture not often taken into account.
Thus, social and cultural fragmentation is imposed as a rule explaining the criminal process, when the truth is probably much more nuanced. Turning to the issue
claimed, it is clear that the outrage at the death of a relative and a child is more than understandable and necessary support (yes, and this is a debate for the "progressive") but can never become a state policy. Clarifying
: who is attacked is likely to claim more drastic measures, which can not be taken by our leaders as viable, simply because they are not. Playing politics is not only read polls. It is much more than that.
policy "hard", which twists and turns has been imposed in the Province of Buenos Aires in some periods of agitation is much more than politics.
Maybe just one example suffice: during the Governor's Ruckauf was amended Criminal Procedure Code (responsibility of the Province) in the non-release on recidivism, possession of firearm, juvenile company, etc.
The media asked tough and this was a response to increased levels of overcrowding in prisons and police stations and crowded judicial system. In particular, increased the number of prisoners in the province, but not the number of criminals apprehended. Why? In a democratic system we are all innocent until proven otherwise, and these measures increased the percentage of accused but not convicted. The numbers are increasing or maintained. In the prisons of the province still 75% of prisoners are processed, not convicted.
back to claim the policy is not that mother, we must say that, precisely, the claims of "increased security" (as you read through the media) are essentially political. And the answer to them must be political.
Only a policy of state, collective, democratic, designed with a high degree of legitimacy can begin the long road to lower crime rates.
is clear: a promise not sound easier, better to be silent or design assumptions advertising plans that can lend a vote, but not real solutions.
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