Alexander the Great who admired the philosopher Diogenes, one day stood before him and said: "Ask what you want, you will grant", to which Diogenes replied: "Move over a bit , which covers the sun I "... Alexander the Great, the great conqueror of the ancient world, the myth of universal monarchy
This happened 2500 years ago and nothing has changed in the lives of neighbors. Even the powerful we create shadows.
"The danger of landslides at any location can be reduced to zero by applying a simple and wise ordinance" are eliminated the boundaries and set mandatory minimum withdrawals and maximum factors of land-surface and build up in relation to the ground. "This would also solve the problem of lack of sunlight in the affected buildings, including own. Strangely nobody talks about the "right to the sun." Thus, like all large cities, as the crow flies, are a sea of \u200b\u200bcrates of fruit, poorly sorted, blind, tasteless, with openings and misguided some cases with just one free face.
Madryn A beautiful neighbor allowed us to reproduce his letter, a reflection systematic of what public servants Ushuaia rob us every day for pettiness. resultarte can strange but we do time when you realize that you are in the network for better or for worse. We denounce and as our contribution to all the neighbors to the world. denounce to see if our public kettles realize that God gave us free will to think, choose, but not as it was in the garden of an ancient Eden, where a meanness, we were condemned to give birth this land. I realize that our representatives to which they were born petitioned a problem of deafness. But this itself this letter read. Of course manitooo!, I forgot are now also blind. How, What do not feel?, Oops, we are in the oven then you are zombies, dead walk and all that remains is purgatory, what do not you, Do not go to purgatory? Ah! I understand, they go straight to hell. Neighbor you understand me ... I reproduce a letter from a neighbor of the Patagonia Argentina ... Still, I think! ooo "and sold to the devil?.
Silvia wrote:
This morning, as I prepared to go to work, listening to the radio program
fingerboard .....
OH, surprise! Flower mess with the construction of the tower dept. "Supposedly" beautiful than leaving us a shadow on the central beach about 50 meters ......... Not to mention the sunshine of the morning for back ...... so they made no study on the environmental impact that originated mole ?????
And just in Madryn, tourist by nature, promoted
I mean, no? Why not
cumin respecting what is legislated to build!?
I have understood, and if not, desásnenme (?)
should not build contraptions in the first row facing the beach
harm, somehow, to enjoy the city in that area ... and
if you can now is because the interests of a few
suits them .... They remove
light, the visual appearance is grotesque ....., in the summer, at 15 pm in the breeze and the shade we'll be better at home! What downturn for marketers of umbrellas and sun !!!!! Poor neighbors built so illusion home front sea two or three plants ....!! and if not just ask the owner of the house that was locked in Perlotti street between two buildings!!
is a central beach !!!!! Madryn has a wild beauty, natural,
and features are exactly those that advocate for the
world! and that is what attracts national and international tourism ....
What are we doing? I really catches the attention
gentleness with which we accept this kind of thing ... And
INCLUDE ME! because when I discovered the burgeoning construction ...."
said how much money !!!!" - What tonnnnnnnnnnnnnta .......!!!
Of course there are many dishes in the middle. If I'm wrong informed, there is an ordinance in Madryn, allowing build on the coast to a height X. What you need to ask is what reasons justify a change in legislation. Since the standard is very reasonable the reasons to modify should be VERY IMPORTANT. Whether to amend an ordinance to build, then you have to press the City Council, theirs would be the last word, what are the arguments to edit ...?
If we "covering" the coast, no one will want to come .... and so I have understood
happened on the beaches of Buenos Aires (Mar de Ajo, for example
.) Where construction now devalued by 40% for a similar phenomenon
.... I do not continue to poison so early in the morning ....
the sun is beautiful and I will enjoy ...
while you can ....
A hug! Silvia
He replied:
Yes, it was so long that they could not remember ..... I loved rereading
! I moved yet again, because unfortunately, I tell you that there are plenty of flia. living in that building, or whether everything I put in the mail, nobody cared.
Madryn do not know if you know of ... the beaches are across the street ... and it's literally what I say. I remember that people came from Mar del plata, architects and environmentalists ... but nothing happened. And here is like in Argentina ..... all people access to power does what he wants .... and no ordinances that are worth! And we, the citizens, I believe that we honor the motto Do not mess! - And I'm worn out to fight windmills ..... you a hug and I hope you continue on this path ..... so you do not feel so lonely! Silvia
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