By Jose Chahua Gonzales (*)
The results of the April 10 elections confirmed that the majority of the population as in 2006 rejected the economic model designed to benefit a minority of the population connected to the centers of transnational power, acting in alliance with the powers and political organizations that have declined to their ideological and pragmatic principles.
However, this hostility to the neoliberal system imposed with violence in the nineties is not articulated or respond to a common goal. While Humala's support is based on the rejection of economic growth without distribution and promotes corruption, Keiko's calls for greater state welfarism. You could say that while the nationalist electorate holds in emerging sectors and excluded, the Fujimori dependent on public handouts.
In conclusion, the confrontation is between two opposing visions claiming changes. However, one sues for the future and the other to the past. This will be the core of the conflict, the future against the past in order to achieve change. In this collision, the dominant sectors must decide where to steer their support as well as the large captive electorate, voted that while some of the losing candidates do not feel committed to these proposals.
Leader Wins Peru, Ollanta Humala, has called on the various social forces to join their proposals to achieve victory on 5 June. In this call is needed which would require CGTP's role in the conflict, in order to achieve the goal of reaching an alternative government of Peru and viable from the present, a future of integration and development.
As regards one of the above, Humala monopolized the issue of corruption, which allowed him to position itself in a lawsuit that the other presidential candidates blatantly obviated because it affected their transparency in the campaign, due to the different events that happened in their corrupt governments. Another requirement that candidates have refused to discuss the neoliberal labor weak side of the daughter of Alberto Fujimori inmate.
This issue should be led by the CGTP taking into account two requirements: one is the recovery of labor rights violated by the Fujimori dictatorship, not eliminated but only dented The dignity of millions of working families with compulsive privatization, the generation of precarious jobs and the stagnation wages and pensions.
The other aspect is the sacrifice of the trade union to defend workers rights and democracy, as was the murder of Pedro Huilca Tecse, by the Group Annihilation military promoted by Fujimori, known as Hill, along with other leaders who paid with his life the confrontation with the dictatorship.
The central involvement of these two requirements would capitalize on the changing demands of the sector worker shows that while support for the nationalist leader, the ability to replicate its position in other spaces not yet conquered by Gana Peru, as the mypes, Fujimori young people, help prevent misinformation plays for the daughter of dictator, and strengthen the commitment of Ollanta.
regard to justice for the martyrs of the unions would help to save the lives of such importance for the consolidation of democracy and sacrifice of Peruvians who refused to be deterred but who were cowardly murdered. Demand justice for them, it is a pragmatic fact get in the collective imagination of the workforce would be apocalyptic for the country, the return of Fujimori, besides demanding that the Peruvian courts rule on these facts, as has been the international ( Inter-American Court of Human Rights).
We have discussed on previous occasions that the CGTP had achieved greater participation in scenarios power, if pre-election negotiations have had a different strategy. However, the election results may be the context for the central position of the focus on work and greater pressure to improve labor conditions facing the national and transnational entrepreneurship that will lead to the dismantling of the neoliberal labor structure.
This implies that if the CGTP decide to participate fully in the second round must achieve Ollanta Humala a specific commitment to address the demands of labor, as the two expressed in the This article, delivering turn the tools to achieve its realization.
One would be the signing of public agreement with workers represented by the country's central to the following: approval of the General Labour Law, Respect full to Freedom (organizing, collective bargaining and strike), Recovery of protective nature of the Ministry of Labour, Repeal of the rules that violate ILO Conventions and the rights won by workers, replacement of the dismissed for exercising their labor rights , Elimination any law that promotes recruitment to diminish rights (outsourcing, CAS, etc), among others.
To this we add, the support of the state to defend the judiciary to the families of the leaders killed during the Fujimori dictatorship and the previous governments and beyond. It should be noted, that justice has chosen to delay the process and in the case of those resolutions of the Commission, the successive governments have failed or partially implemented. The agreement should set a timetable for the strict enforcement of sentences and requiring judges to completion of the trials.
to achieve these commitments, it is necessary that the CGTP has the opportunity to participate actively in the direction of sector work, as it has been doing business in the last government, which has allowed them to realize the neoliberal recipe always against workers, with the results we all know.
The explicit implementation of agreements would be the framework for a worker or member of the CGTP leader subsequently occupy the Ministry of Labour and full recovery Tuitiva role of the portfolio and in turn promote the reform of labor law.
These policy decisions will give greater legitimacy to the announcements of Ollanta Humala to meet the demands of work and only the CGTP could give social support to ensure that the workforce the support, as well as seen particularly in their relationships with business and the economy of families.
The workers demanding dialogue with concrete solutions. The CGTP may be the institution that would facilitate such demands to pass the defense of labor rights on the offensive, if the conditions are basic. Described in this article can help do that.
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