Friday, April 29, 2011
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In my teens I lived moments of many emotions.
never forget the day when I was experiencing the development of a rocket engine for a project that had developed in the school they concurred.
I made several experiments and all sorts. But as Werner Von Braun I loved a man on the moon, obviously I did not, but that day had begun.
Actually nothing is easy in life, especially when you have those dreams difficult to realize because of the economy or the country where you reside.
All these images, however I was encouraged. Specifically a day working on the project in the laboratory, it seemed that everything would be fine, take the components to mix and began a process which a clot appeared for all the world wanted to get rid of, then what did?, Took the pylon and try to break it down into the mortar to achieve a homogeneous compound which when introduced into the body of the rocket motor, was not the because of an explosion or a bad combustion.
What was my surprise!, Compression of the clot followed by friction caused a fire that affected the whole table where they were the various forms or components. It happened a chain reaction where analytical balances were in danger of catching fire. So I was not a better idea to put my hand on fire to try to drown him in that moment of despair, forgetting that it had its own oxygen to burn.
was a fortunately, because we may well have been worse, with an explosion in the middle, or that the fire had taken over my body.
None of that happened but my left hand was useless, I had to go to an emergency room for me to do the healing of the case. I had a terrible
pacifier in my hands I felt useless. All this accident had learned something very important. Staying calm in a moment of maximum tension.
Returning to the first paragraph of a small contribution to help or motivate, the conclusion is this: human beings things happen every day. But in each process or test is good to understand or comprehend that everything works for good and need not say to go through a fire, although the trials of life are like the same to be forged.
We are a seed that has to walk the sometimes painful experience, extreme, to learn from it, ultimately draw from this lesson what is best in us.
most important thing is that at first glance it seems that everything is destroyed, but quite the contrary is a necessary statement, our inner being and you need to germinate and release the full potential that exists within us and play fantastic experiences, some supernatural .
Thursday, April 28, 2011
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The movement was recorded at 10.3 km deep and 135 km S of Auki, Malaita. There were no reported casualties or damage. Center Alerts Pacific Tsunami warning not given a date.
An earthquake of 5.9 magnitude on the Richter scale hit the Solomon Islands yesterday in the Pacific Ocean, but the time has transpired, caused casualties or damage.
In 2007, a 8.1-degree earthquake generated a tsunami that killed several people, destroying much of the island of Gizo, west of the Solomon Islands as a whole to which it belongs.
The Tsunami Warning Center Pacific Ocean belonging to a warning issued no risk of tidal wave.
The movement occurred at 18:42 local time capital Honiara Solomon Islands, 05:10 time of Argentina, the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
Its epicenter located at 10.3 miles deep, was located 87 kilometers southeast of the city once named.
The Solomon sit on the "Ring of Fire," an area of \u200b\u200bgreat seismic and volcanic activity shaken by thousands of earthquakes per year, mostly moderate.
Magnitude: 5.9
Date-Time: Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 6:42:34 PM local time at epicenter
Location: 9.98S 160.53E, Depth: 10.3 km.
Region: Solomon Islands. - Reference: 87 km SE of Honiara, Guadalcanal - Solomon Islands, 135 km S of Auki, Malaita - Solomon Islands, 160 km WNW of Kira Kira, San Cristobal - Solomon Islands, 2093 km NNE of BRISBANE, Queensland - Australia.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
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The invention shown in the photo at right, is called VOICE STICK, is a character recognition device that has been created for all the lessons structures such as newspapers, books, magazines, etc. are accessible to blind people. The manner of use is quite simple, you take the device in your hand and pass on alg a sheet with text, time you pass the text is translated and read by the apparatus.
After reading a good thing I think about a story ...
This is the story of a blind girl who hated herself, and the whole world blind.
hated everyone except her boyfriend who loved her. One day, landed a pair of healthy eyes.
had surgery and could see. When she did, her boyfriend asked her if she would marry him, to which she answered no, because he realized he was blind.
The groom, sorry, got it and took leave of his life. In his game
Just ask you to take good care of my eyes as I gave them and now you are yours. I love you.
(This story passed me a trucker friend Corder, Albert, a friend who knew the circumstances of life.)
And what follows is a reflection of other friends who profess the Christian faith.
Today, before saying something destructive, think of those who can not speak, before you complain about the taste of your food, think of those who do not have to eat.
Before you complain about your partner, think of the sad and lonely hearts who yearn for a partner.
Before you complain about your children, think of those who do not have and want.
When you're tired and renounce your work, think about the millions who are unemployed and would like yours.
Before pointing fingers, and taking the assignment judge, remember that we've all made mistakes, and we will do.
And when fatigue and darkness and fill you want despojarte negative and destructive thoughts, SMILE! SMILE
and thank God, because you're alive and still walking through this world. This life is not eternal, here on earth for anyone.
is a gift, an adventure, a celebration, a beautiful trip.
The only life that is eternal, spiritual. So we need to sow for aternity, without neglecting those who are delivered for us to have a better life in this time and place. Mustapic
Federico Antonio.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
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Alexander the Great who admired the philosopher Diogenes, one day stood before him and said: "Ask what you want, you will grant", to which Diogenes replied: "Move over a bit , which covers the sun I "... Alexander the Great, the great conqueror of the ancient world, the myth of universal monarchy
This happened 2500 years ago and nothing has changed in the lives of neighbors. Even the powerful we create shadows.
"The danger of landslides at any location can be reduced to zero by applying a simple and wise ordinance" are eliminated the boundaries and set mandatory minimum withdrawals and maximum factors of land-surface and build up in relation to the ground. "This would also solve the problem of lack of sunlight in the affected buildings, including own. Strangely nobody talks about the "right to the sun." Thus, like all large cities, as the crow flies, are a sea of \u200b\u200bcrates of fruit, poorly sorted, blind, tasteless, with openings and misguided some cases with just one free face.
Madryn A beautiful neighbor allowed us to reproduce his letter, a reflection systematic of what public servants Ushuaia rob us every day for pettiness. resultarte can strange but we do time when you realize that you are in the network for better or for worse. We denounce and as our contribution to all the neighbors to the world. denounce to see if our public kettles realize that God gave us free will to think, choose, but not as it was in the garden of an ancient Eden, where a meanness, we were condemned to give birth this land. I realize that our representatives to which they were born petitioned a problem of deafness. But this itself this letter read. Of course manitooo!, I forgot are now also blind. How, What do not feel?, Oops, we are in the oven then you are zombies, dead walk and all that remains is purgatory, what do not you, Do not go to purgatory? Ah! I understand, they go straight to hell. Neighbor you understand me ... I reproduce a letter from a neighbor of the Patagonia Argentina ... Still, I think! ooo "and sold to the devil?.
Silvia wrote:
This morning, as I prepared to go to work, listening to the radio program
fingerboard .....
OH, surprise! Flower mess with the construction of the tower dept. "Supposedly" beautiful than leaving us a shadow on the central beach about 50 meters ......... Not to mention the sunshine of the morning for back ...... so they made no study on the environmental impact that originated mole ?????
And just in Madryn, tourist by nature, promoted
I mean, no? Why not
cumin respecting what is legislated to build!?
I have understood, and if not, desásnenme (?)
should not build contraptions in the first row facing the beach
harm, somehow, to enjoy the city in that area ... and
if you can now is because the interests of a few
suits them .... They remove
light, the visual appearance is grotesque ....., in the summer, at 15 pm in the breeze and the shade we'll be better at home! What downturn for marketers of umbrellas and sun !!!!! Poor neighbors built so illusion home front sea two or three plants ....!! and if not just ask the owner of the house that was locked in Perlotti street between two buildings!!
is a central beach !!!!! Madryn has a wild beauty, natural,
and features are exactly those that advocate for the
world! and that is what attracts national and international tourism ....
What are we doing? I really catches the attention
gentleness with which we accept this kind of thing ... And
INCLUDE ME! because when I discovered the burgeoning construction ...."
said how much money !!!!" - What tonnnnnnnnnnnnnta .......!!!
Of course there are many dishes in the middle. If I'm wrong informed, there is an ordinance in Madryn, allowing build on the coast to a height X. What you need to ask is what reasons justify a change in legislation. Since the standard is very reasonable the reasons to modify should be VERY IMPORTANT. Whether to amend an ordinance to build, then you have to press the City Council, theirs would be the last word, what are the arguments to edit ...?
If we "covering" the coast, no one will want to come .... and so I have understood
happened on the beaches of Buenos Aires (Mar de Ajo, for example
.) Where construction now devalued by 40% for a similar phenomenon
.... I do not continue to poison so early in the morning ....
the sun is beautiful and I will enjoy ...
while you can ....
A hug! Silvia
He replied:
Yes, it was so long that they could not remember ..... I loved rereading
! I moved yet again, because unfortunately, I tell you that there are plenty of flia. living in that building, or whether everything I put in the mail, nobody cared.
Madryn do not know if you know of ... the beaches are across the street ... and it's literally what I say. I remember that people came from Mar del plata, architects and environmentalists ... but nothing happened. And here is like in Argentina ..... all people access to power does what he wants .... and no ordinances that are worth! And we, the citizens, I believe that we honor the motto Do not mess! - And I'm worn out to fight windmills ..... you a hug and I hope you continue on this path ..... so you do not feel so lonely! Silvia
Monday, April 25, 2011
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deep crises are caused by lack of ideals and motives unfathomable dark roots in the Latin American political class, which has managed to sell its sovereignty to the highest bidder, indebted to the nation on arrangements for the payment of external debts of nations. These agreements achieve the most dividends is business, obviously not to mention bankers and corrupt politicians involved, they do not care about the consequences of a loan taken against your own nation. These failures of affection for his homeland, or perhaps the dismantling of federalism, was paid by the international finance experts, supported by hordes of wild speculation, vulture funds, for the disintegration of nations such selfishness. It is known that when a country expands beyond the convenience of a nation rapiñera, it is necessary to neutralize their growth in a conflict or imbalance to take advantage of it. No need to refloated the reasons for war in the Gulf War, Vietnam, etc ... As a result, the same is generated directly or indirectly state conflicts, economic, social, marital, family, modern illnesses caused by stress, the which in turn conceived devastating effects on family life in a traumatic in the post-crisis or war.
The same goes for countries, provinces, states, municipalities. This is the moment where America will choose to join once and for all and emerge from the crisis with the characteristic strength of those who knew the pain or to deepen the differences between groups, social strata and self-condemned to instability for several years .
was very illustrative for the financial crisis that hit Southeast Asia in 1997. The two extreme cases were Korea and Indonesia. In Korea, large support networks tended to the most affected by the crisis, opening bank accounts for massive donations. It is said that he saw many wealthy people to donate their jewelry to help the injured. With a tight-knit town, the U.S. economy was growing more than 10% just twelve months after the outbreak of the crisis and currency devaluation. After 10years, the result was surprising despite a slowdown in initial deep and numerous corporate bankruptcies, South Korea has managed to triple its per capita income in dollar terms since 1997. In fact, resumed his role as the fastest growing economy in the world. Since 1960, its GDP per capita has increased from $ 80 in nominal terms to more than $ 21,000 in 2007.
While in Indonesia, a country deeply divided and united only by a dictator, weaken, is plunged into a civil war that still remains in suspense to its population. Many years later, still no sufficient political stability to augur a promising future. Although the Indonesian market is recovering with a locomotive called China.
The final question is: Do Latin Americans, we live here in America, we are ready for change apart from the shirt of the Political Party, giving and relegating our future in the hands of corrupt ever? o give a token of our civility in the upcoming decisions leaving all models, through survey, biased to the highest bidder and purchaser of the same?.
"mortgaged or destroy the lives of our children, successors, supporting or calling for those who for years have played chess, castling the same play POLITICAL?.
encourage one to revolutionize our thinking before selecting support. Reasons! ... a promise, a plancito, a palliative, a panacea or momentary silliness is not a fundamental solution, as they should demonstrate conduct thrifty, austere and not the waste to ensure its future betraying.
They increase their salaries to what they need to fit all her relatives, known, and you're THAT?.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
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An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 was recorded this Sunday in the Indonesian island Sulawesi (Celebes), announced the Geophysical Institute of the United States (USGS).
The seismic jolt occurred at 21:39 hours on Sunday, Argentina, 9 km deep and about 75 km southeast of the city of Kendari, the USGS said.
Indonesia is located in the so-called "ring of fire" of the Pacific, where the combination several continental plates causes a strong volcanic and seismic activity.
Preliminary Earthquake Report
Magnitude: 6.2
Date-Time: Monday, April 25, 2011 at 7:07:51 AM local time at epicenter Location
4.59S 122.81E - Depth: 9.4 km - Region : Sulawesi - INDONESIA. - Reference 75 km SSE of Kendari, Sulawesi - Indonesia, 99 km NNE of Baubau, Sulawesi - Indonesia, 534 km NW of DILI, Timor - Leste
1240 km NW of DARWIN, Northern Territory of Australia.
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"Of the smokers can learn tolerance. Still do not know a single one has complained of non-smokers. " Sandro Pertini. Some will recall that
Alessandro Pertini (1896-1990) was an Italian politician, partisan and seventh President of the Republic. Few sentence awarded to him now a common sense in any country that has suffered totalitarian regimes "To the most perfect dictatorship, will always prefer an imperfect democracy." His political life was that of a seasoned negotiator, but before a militant gun in hand to be caught by fascism was declared the only responsible for the publication of which he was charged and ready to continue the anti-fascist struggle for socialism and freedom, despite the sentences would increase.
Well, Sandro Pertini was a heavy smoker. And, today I must say, a great politician and good person. Yes. A smoker can be excellent at what he does and worthy of confidence.
His irony in the sentence that begins this note, it would not be such in Mar del Plata 2011. Tolerance, wrapped with healthy arguments, is over. Intolerance is completed, as always, with an imaginary device.
Laws and, in this case, ordinances prohibiting smoking indoors, not based on serious scientific research, but in the cancellation of what was supposed evil. Extending this concept to people that in any case victims of addiction, their rights are curtailed.
The debate for or against these measures is lost in advance. There was no sense and will not. By this letter is both a humble requiem to a custom, which for many was more than that: part of our lives.
I mean the rictus of sitting in a coffee table to talk, read a newspaper, or just let time pass.
From April 25, and although it is unimaginable to those who are part of our life, that it as you live, is over. Cold numbers, Ordinance No. 20104, an article brief second "Prohibits smoking in all enclosed spaces with public access in the General PueyrredĂłn" made it possible.
The coffee effect is for a smoker, inseparable from the exciting process of taking a cigarette and turn it. For us, the gesture, and that's what we (ie smoking) is accompanied by that process. I have
to me that many of the best words spoken in the world, and the worst too, had not existed without this "moment." In fact the founding of the rock song considered national (although historiographical issues compete with "Rebel" the Beatniks) The raft was made in the bathroom of a cafe (The Pearl of 11 for youngsters)
not imagine John Lennon composing, for instance, Let it Be, without a cigarette. Not the best of Calamaro, no smoke. And Sandro, of course. And more direct with "A cigarette, rain and You", song by Alberto Cortez, with a very good version of Tito Rodriguez and I, the famous trio Los Panchos.
Café moisture "Guan Chestnut, is a cultural symbol of Buenos Aires, and more than a song. "Do not ask me if I wait long ago:
coffee is already cold and several ashtrays."
Rick Blaine (U.S. critic. States that uses How pseudonym the name of the character of Bogart in Casablanca), in its comments to the movie Smoke says, "This taste of coffee and cigarette at the window of the bar to see if she comes. On the radio a song by Tom Waits disarms us. And kill us. " Both Chestnut and Blaine, the interaction universalized coffee cigars, projecting into the love that hurts. And so. What man would not want a cigarette at a time like that? How about a coffee? How about both, while I spend these hours of terrifying nostalgia?
No one seems interesting at least a kind of Brooklyn and other flowers, more than twenty years away (1972 to 1995), involve the same a coffee / cigarettes and love? Otherwise is it not remarkable that the phrases about smoking are infinitely more intelligent, rich and severe than those that do not promote it?
From out of our history and early smoking is associated with creativity. I say "our" because, inquisitors, the snuff is Latin American. Both cocoa.
A list of writers addicted to snuff this note would become an unending catalog. In short: Paul Auster Charles Baudelaire, Simone de Beauvoir, Bertolt Brecht, Charles Bukowski, George Gordon Byron, Albert Camus, Camilo Jose Cela, Raymond Chandler, Arthur Conan Doyle, Joseph Conrad, Julio Cortazar John Dos Passos, Alexandre Dumas, William Faulkner, Gustave Flaubert, Jean Genet, Maxim Gorky, Jorge Guillén, Dashiell Hammett, Patricia Highsmith, Ernest Hemingway, Henry James, James Joyce, José Lezama Lima, Clarice Lispector, Antonio Machado, Thomas Mann, Henry Miller, Jean Poquelin Moliere, Juan Carlos Onetti, Jose Ortega y Gasset, George Orwell, Cesare Pavese, Octavio Paz, Fernando Pessoa, Arthur Rimbaud, Andrés Rivera, Juan Rulfo, Bertrand Russell, George Sand, Jean Paul Sartre, Georges Simenon, Susan Sontag, Osvaldo Soriano, Italo Svevo, John RR Tolkien, Mark Twain, Jules Verne, Boris Vian, Walt Whitman, Oscar Wilde, Emile Zola.
determinants in? Y rotten extend to all creative fields, the result would be the same, even of some actors and actresses a strong impact on the market. Do you think it would give you humble kingdom meet Cameron Diaz or Sharon Stone? Well Get ready a good bar of menthol smokers and both are very attractive.
You think your kind of man who looks like Ben Afflek, Jude Law, Jack Nicholson, Sean Penn or Colin Farrell, depending on your age or mode of attraction? Get ready to give you a good mouthwash, all of them, if they are all smokers.
I remember my first cigarette in a coffee company was in the Mitre bar and Alberti, still exists. Sure, discounting any childhood sweetheart, my first "statement" was cigarette in hand. Moreover, as this note is politically incorrect, I will confess that without a coffee and a cigarette, my sex life had been very poor. It was not, fortunately, although the cough is becoming more pronounced.
The loves and hates, occur at a time and place. Imagine the moment of my life outside the context of a coffee and a cigarette I find inappropriate, literally not mine.
is the context that sets and own these areas. In Smoke (American film directed by Wayne Wang in 1995, Cigars for Latin America, co-directed by writer Paul Auster) all about the cigar.
"Quitting smoking is easy. I already let a hundred times, "wrote Mark Twain (1835-1910).
More difficult is ironic now, when new forms of modernity promoted to the "health" as the center of "welfare." In general terms, it being understood economic analysis of the case (conversion of cigarette industries, worldwide increase in health spending, more hours worked per capita, etc) the "healthy" is an imposition of such a market, and it fragile, ephemeral. For Bauman, 'liquid modern society is one in which the terms of members' behavior change before that the modes of action be consolidated into habits and routines certain. " Ie there is no custom, location, identity.
believe, because that is supposed to think, that we are happier than a nineteenth century Chinese peasant, for example. It is true that our material conditions of life, even of the millions of neglected in the world, are qualitatively better. Some may think, at risk, which can qualitatively be more of a doubt.
The daily history of mankind reveals a common quest: love. Love Is Healthy? It seems that if judging by the hundreds of studies that prove it. "Our society makes love? It is obvious nearly convicted.
Therefore the criteria of "healthy" are at least an intellectual adventure. More years of life = greater good, would the new equation. "This is generalizable, that is, sociologically sustainable? Certainly not. Who guarantees that the greater longevity, greater happiness?
I read recently that the "discoverers" of niche markets are developing consumer offerings aimed at people over a hundred years. Current hundred, eighty are two or three decades ago, they pray.
From the conceptual point of view, in terms of state measures, it is easy to mumble the "politically correct" term so closely associated with a progressive local reasoning. Not without caution
warn you not see the character "progressive" these limitations to the consumption of snuff, to the extent that there are options for public places. Prohibit the consumption of snuff, but we are in favor of euthanasia. Actually this is logically untenable. If, as a "progressive" policies mean respect for individuality and choices, while protecting culture and diversity of the whole, these policies "antitabacales" are, quite simply, discrimination. I
. and no longer care. that such measures appear as politically correct, and are in the dermis, deep tiling. Are linked in practical terms, a "security measures" in the same conceptual basis, but on a different subject. It parallels with the mandatory use of seat belts (for adults) and the old, in the case of motorcycles. Modest resources (being extremely good with the adjective) "management" to ban what we can not control.
Does smoking is bad? Well, of course!! And kills. Mortality from cardiovascular diseases linked to smoking, but not only to be granted to him, representing about 30% worldwide., The first cause. The second with 25% are infectious diseases, together with 5% maternal mortality, are causing "associated" with poverty. Striking
that the main argument of the "restrictionist" is that cigarettes are the leading cause of death "avoidable" in the world. "Poverty is not avoidable? Here begins a compendium of platitudes and tilinguerĂas argumentative.
is difficult to enter into this discussion and numerical, and also not very conducive. INDEC for the main causes of death in Argentina continues to be "diseases of the circulatory system, divided into" Cerebrovascular diseases "and" other ", with others 80% of the total in that category, are in a slight decrease in percentage equal to the global rate, ie about 30%. But it is necessary to clarify that as "diseases of the circulatory system" enter an enormous amount of events, including the classic "cardio respiratory arrest," whose origin could be as varied as a goal, hypothermia and sleep in the street, or simply the end a fatigue life. Simultaneously, the death rate from accidents is growing at a rate close to 10%. Is it serious "ban" with this data?
never know - the measures that-why tiling has no recourse to other solutions. Does common sense did not indicate a simple measure such as that every business owner chooses to work with or without snuff snuff, all duly noted in the door?
In Spain, where similar measures were applied, which we copy going to sell gold trinkets, there was fierce opposition. Javier Marias, a writer of that nationality saying "There is no greater humiliation for 30% of the population, some 14 million people, no less, that being excluded from society by having a custom-or defect, both da- to which the State itself which represent encouraged us for decades. "
If health care is concerned, it is noteworthy that the" politically correct "have not done anything in our city to control the sale of food known as Fast Food.
In 2004 American filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, released a documentary called "Super Size Me", translated as "Super engĂłrdame" for Latin America. In 30 days he and the director is fed only local Mc'Donalds with three meals a day. The health effects were outrageous: mood changes, impotence, liver damage, a significant increase of cholesterol, etc.
filmmaker himself concluded that the prohibition should be even higher than the cigarette. Sure
face to Mc'Donalds not a task for politicians mid-flight. "Mc Libel" is another documentary by Franny Armstrong which tells the story of the lawsuit filed by activists of Greenpeace Mc'Donalds for defamation.
Is not the junk food cause of a number of obvious health problems? Not the cholesterol - the product of systematic intake of these foods, one of the causes of the plague for "problems in the circulatory system? Should not at least be bound to these places possess an identification of this warning?. We remember that tango
so popular here and in the world., Café moisture. The coffee question was not fiction, like almost nothing in the tango. Today is a "mini" in Boyaca and Gaona, city of Buenos Aires Nobody saw their cultural value, for what. In a city ruled by tilingo with modern aesthetics, remember that someone there yearned to taste coffee and cigarette, it goes. Something similar happens
certainly in Mar del Plata (and we have the tiling course). First are the small coffee, and destroyed with the previous restrictive ordinance. Then they will be others, perhaps the most popular. Processes occur in the middle of restructuring, trying to save that which is impossible. And, in parallel, we will smoking, limited socially sanctioned, but we will. What is the meaning of these measures? W. Churchill, being young, managed to have lunch with Sir William Harcourt, "In the course of a conversation in me spews, I get, nothing modest role, I asked: What will happen then?. Dear Winston, "said the elder statesman Victorian-the experience of my long life has convinced me that things do not happen." (W. Churchill, The World Crisis.)
this memory is likely to have accompanied W. C throughout his political life. In his old age wrote "I spent most of my life trying to resolve issues that were solved with time alone."
How much wisdom, against such ignorance.
Friday, April 15, 2011
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011
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(Click on the images below to see series of photographs / On The Click images below to see down of series of photographs / Click the images below to see series of photographs . )
Monday, April 11, 2011
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Milena Velba Blogpots
By Jose Chahua Gonzales (*)
The results of the April 10 elections confirmed that the majority of the population as in 2006 rejected the economic model designed to benefit a minority of the population connected to the centers of transnational power, acting in alliance with the powers and political organizations that have declined to their ideological and pragmatic principles.
However, this hostility to the neoliberal system imposed with violence in the nineties is not articulated or respond to a common goal. While Humala's support is based on the rejection of economic growth without distribution and promotes corruption, Keiko's calls for greater state welfarism. You could say that while the nationalist electorate holds in emerging sectors and excluded, the Fujimori dependent on public handouts.
In conclusion, the confrontation is between two opposing visions claiming changes. However, one sues for the future and the other to the past. This will be the core of the conflict, the future against the past in order to achieve change. In this collision, the dominant sectors must decide where to steer their support as well as the large captive electorate, voted that while some of the losing candidates do not feel committed to these proposals.
Leader Wins Peru, Ollanta Humala, has called on the various social forces to join their proposals to achieve victory on 5 June. In this call is needed which would require CGTP's role in the conflict, in order to achieve the goal of reaching an alternative government of Peru and viable from the present, a future of integration and development.
As regards one of the above, Humala monopolized the issue of corruption, which allowed him to position itself in a lawsuit that the other presidential candidates blatantly obviated because it affected their transparency in the campaign, due to the different events that happened in their corrupt governments. Another requirement that candidates have refused to discuss the neoliberal labor weak side of the daughter of Alberto Fujimori inmate.
This issue should be led by the CGTP taking into account two requirements: one is the recovery of labor rights violated by the Fujimori dictatorship, not eliminated but only dented The dignity of millions of working families with compulsive privatization, the generation of precarious jobs and the stagnation wages and pensions.
The other aspect is the sacrifice of the trade union to defend workers rights and democracy, as was the murder of Pedro Huilca Tecse, by the Group Annihilation military promoted by Fujimori, known as Hill, along with other leaders who paid with his life the confrontation with the dictatorship.
The central involvement of these two requirements would capitalize on the changing demands of the sector worker shows that while support for the nationalist leader, the ability to replicate its position in other spaces not yet conquered by Gana Peru, as the mypes, Fujimori young people, help prevent misinformation plays for the daughter of dictator, and strengthen the commitment of Ollanta.
regard to justice for the martyrs of the unions would help to save the lives of such importance for the consolidation of democracy and sacrifice of Peruvians who refused to be deterred but who were cowardly murdered. Demand justice for them, it is a pragmatic fact get in the collective imagination of the workforce would be apocalyptic for the country, the return of Fujimori, besides demanding that the Peruvian courts rule on these facts, as has been the international ( Inter-American Court of Human Rights).
We have discussed on previous occasions that the CGTP had achieved greater participation in scenarios power, if pre-election negotiations have had a different strategy. However, the election results may be the context for the central position of the focus on work and greater pressure to improve labor conditions facing the national and transnational entrepreneurship that will lead to the dismantling of the neoliberal labor structure.
This implies that if the CGTP decide to participate fully in the second round must achieve Ollanta Humala a specific commitment to address the demands of labor, as the two expressed in the This article, delivering turn the tools to achieve its realization.
One would be the signing of public agreement with workers represented by the country's central to the following: approval of the General Labour Law, Respect full to Freedom (organizing, collective bargaining and strike), Recovery of protective nature of the Ministry of Labour, Repeal of the rules that violate ILO Conventions and the rights won by workers, replacement of the dismissed for exercising their labor rights , Elimination any law that promotes recruitment to diminish rights (outsourcing, CAS, etc), among others.
To this we add, the support of the state to defend the judiciary to the families of the leaders killed during the Fujimori dictatorship and the previous governments and beyond. It should be noted, that justice has chosen to delay the process and in the case of those resolutions of the Commission, the successive governments have failed or partially implemented. The agreement should set a timetable for the strict enforcement of sentences and requiring judges to completion of the trials.
to achieve these commitments, it is necessary that the CGTP has the opportunity to participate actively in the direction of sector work, as it has been doing business in the last government, which has allowed them to realize the neoliberal recipe always against workers, with the results we all know.
The explicit implementation of agreements would be the framework for a worker or member of the CGTP leader subsequently occupy the Ministry of Labour and full recovery Tuitiva role of the portfolio and in turn promote the reform of labor law.
These policy decisions will give greater legitimacy to the announcements of Ollanta Humala to meet the demands of work and only the CGTP could give social support to ensure that the workforce the support, as well as seen particularly in their relationships with business and the economy of families.
The workers demanding dialogue with concrete solutions. The CGTP may be the institution that would facilitate such demands to pass the defense of labor rights on the offensive, if the conditions are basic. Described in this article can help do that.
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Plaza 2 de Mayo No. 4 Lima 1. / Fax: 4242357
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With financial and organizational capacity never seen in times of struggle, many related sectors APRA government are sending statements and making public presentations to support candidates who represent the economic right. These statements use the names of organizations were never consulted and that through social networks are rejecting his autocratic adherence to a policy proposal that does not represent their interests.
also a union APRA with union members to have extensive criminal record in favor of the candidacy of Alejandro Toledo, as did other faction also home to support Pedro APRA Kuczynski. This demonstrates the strong links APRA with the candidates of the economic power groups.
The CGTP rejects the claim of some candidates to divide the workers as they did the last two governments and reiterates its support and urges people to vote for the candidate who collects Most proposals for workers, such as presidential candidate wins Peru, Ollanta Humala.
appreciate your dissemination.
more information telephone: 4242357-990482245 - RPM: * 168538
Lima, 7 April 2011
CGTP-0683 NP-