Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Alima Foundation Swatches

Layoffs at Channel 26

there anything that the group is Pierri consistent: job insecurity, emptiness, persecution and dismissal are the constants of its policy towards workers. The co-Channel 26 aired a few days ago the following statement in which they denounce the dismissal of another worker.

"press workers channel 26, enrolled in the guild UTPBA; request through this and submitting the signatures corresponding to the so-called Group Pierri reinstate their work to fellow fired, because the reasons for his dismissal are only unilateral arbitrary and misleading. Not only the outsourcing of various sectors reported promptly to the competent authorities, through the union that represents us, "but the implementation of supervisory staff to apply pressure so little respect for employees, and unproductive for the company. Since these wrong attitudes, create a bad working environment reflected in the final result is the production of your company productive. It is also worth remembering and duly reported. The emptying of the sector cameras, denying access to the camera room cameras, industry recognized by our Collective Bargaining Agreement. But again we must say NO. Do not underestimate the little touch of our thinking and memory. Report that we are few and we know much to know that the fellow fired, is not directly responsible for any "industry restructuring", but obedient and irresponsible actions contributed by new and old characters. But the irony of this story is that those bad advise the dome dirigencial Pierri Group, did not learn that we are ready at all times to defend our Equal Rights at Work. Covered by Labor Agreements existing written over flying the union struggles in the history of our country. We're just media people and our profession nourishes us every day of knowledge of struggles, claims, negotiated ... "Yes or yes Business" that have nothing to do with the responsibility of workers. "

UTPBA as the SATs are silent accomplices to every attack of former deputy Menem against any attempt to organize workers of the Group. call to unify the struggles of fellow companies now kirchnerista Alberto Pierri.


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