Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Woman Doctor Check A Man's Penis

TV Critic of Argentina, occupied by workers against C5N Escrache

daily workers Critique of Argentina in a massive assembly resolved to occupy the premises of the company, to stop the emptying process orchestrated by the English businessman Antonio Mata, defend jobs and continue to demand the regularization of payment of their salaries. The conflict, thus entering a new phase, which in turn will require workers to press redouble our solidarity with the struggle. Let assemblies in all workplaces tomorrow, resume collections to support the strike and occupation, and surround ourselves with all possible measures of solidarity to the press compañeros.Reproducimos workers Critic: Critical Journal. Stay in workplaces respuestasAnte the absence of the serious decisions of the shareholders' meeting of the publisher of the journal Critique of Argentina and the non-occurrence of this audience in the Ministry of Labour, workers staged a massive morning meeting at which they unanimously decided to remain in their places of work for 24 hours in defense of their jobs. This measure will continue until the company provides guarantees of continued criticism of Argentina and pay the wages due to the nearly 200 trabajadores.Hoy, Wednesday 12, representatives of the two shareholders of the English paper 2.0-Antonio Mata (78%) and Marcelo Figueiras (22%) - met in assembly and defined order the receivership and the procedure on a crisis with the Ministry of Labour. As if this were not enough, the company recorded in a statement that "shareholders do not continue to finance the activities of the society." In this way the workers not only have no certainty about the recovery of our unpaid wages, but we do not know if there will be continuity of our source laboral.Ante this scenario and the removal of part of the furniture of writing, the workers presented to the Justice for an injunction for the purpose of locking an inhibition of property and assets of the company to avoid the depletion and ensure salarios.La payment for our company did not showed his face for the second time in 24 hours, to communicate their decision at the hearing convened by the Ministry of Labour and today was chaired by the Deputy Minister of Labour, Noemí Rial, citing another meeting for Friday 14 at 12 noon at the headquarters of Alem 650.La assembly workers also decided to continue the awareness campaign "Save the Daily Review" and held protests on Thursday and Friday 14 calle.El cuts 12 hours call on all media workers, social groups, unions, student policies and a large measure of support in front of the Ministry of Labor, based Alem 650, where we wait for the results of a new audience.



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