Friday, January 8, 2010

Christian Sports Networks


Tomkinson base is, by several bodies, the advanced technology of ESPN in our country. A genuine production drop is now added more strongly influenced by adopting superior technology in the field. For this reason we discuss thoroughly and accurately the obstacle that the new working methods represent the time to strengthen the organization of peers, no contempt for the new technology and old equipos.La Editor function, period, has been supplanted by the trident-Producer-Editor Chamber through P2 technology (cameras, Editors and camcorders with memory cards and non-linear editing). This caused unnecessary friction polyfunctionality yet inevitable between plant personnel and the outsourcing of Prompt TV. It is the latter that the employer chose to command the 3x1 with ESPN precarious reduce labor costs to peers and, in turn, eroded the older work by reducing them to insignificance that drills on self-esteem. The case is serious because it sets a precedent of insecurity all over very qualified staff, specifically in the editors to know cinematográficos.Ante wields it, the SATS is limited to respond to claims that the low start to gain strength with terse responses such as "at least not lose the job" ... In ESPN defend the post of Editor, regular meetings and demos push ahead with unification bout of joint of both conventions (TV and CATV), for a trip to permanent plant outsourced and co laborers, the allocation of hours to be paid corresponding to the polyvalent. Take up a leadership class on ESPN!


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